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Prof. J. O. WEstwoop, M.A., F.L.S., &c. President.

J. W. DouGLas, Esq. oe ote

J. W. DUNNING, Esq., F.L.S. ate 30 Vice-Presidents. HENRY T. STAINTON, Esq., F.R.S. Se

J. JENNER WEIR, Esq., F.L.S. .- .- Treasurer. Rey. T. A. MARSHALL ve ss .. Librarian.

FERDINAND GRUT, Esq., F.L.S. «- ae Sbcrobaiiie RAPHAEL MELDOLA, Esq., F.R.A.S. ae

HENRY W. BATES, Esq., F.L.S. .. are G. C. CHAMPION, Esq. sc oe are fs Other Member Rev. A. E. EATon, M.A. He ee Ue Council. EDWARD SAUNDERS, Esq. -. s © Sir SipNEy SmirH SAUNDERS, C.M.G. ..



To the Public. To Members.

First Series, 5 volumes (1834-1849)..--..+- Price £6 0 0 £410 O Second Series, 5 volumes (1850-1861)...... 8 0 0 6 0 0 Third Series, 5 volumes (1862-1869) ...... 11 0 0 8 5 0 The Transactions for the year 1868........ 100 015 0 ss x ISEO mae ces 1 42120 016 6

a - IG sockases 1 3 O to

ie 4 IBML on co vac . 1 5 0 018 9

9 % 1872 ..eeecce l 2 © 016 6

% % WEB So00c00c 116 0 17 0

» ¥ UGieesoocooce 112 0 1 4 0

9 9 1875 il g% 016 6

o ki 1876 secon 112 0 1 20

oo WS onsncac a0 018 0

Volume 5 of the First Series can no longer be obtained separately ; all the other volumes may. Longicornia Malayana may be obtained |

separately .. ore 20 ee .- Price £2 12 0 £1 19) 10 Phytophaga Malayana, Pt.1, Apostasicera, may be obtained separately 50 ve 016 0 012 0

The Journal of Proceedings is bound up with the Transactions, but may be obtained separately, by Members gratis, by the Public, Price One Shilling per Sheet.

Members and Subscribers resident more than fifteen miles from London, who have paid the subscription for the current year, are entitled to receive a copy of the Transactions for the year without further payment, and

they will be forwarded free, by post, to any address within the United Kingdom.

Members and Subscribers resident in, or within fifteen miles from London are entitled to a copy of the Transactions for the current year at half the price to the public, which copy may be obtained on application to the Librarian: or all such Members or Subscribers who, in addition to. their Subscription for the current year, shall, at or before the April Meeting of the Society, pay a farther contribution of Half-a-Guinea, shall be entitled to receive a copy of the Transactions for the year without farther payment, which copy will be forwarded free by post.

( vii )

CONTENTS. Explanation of the Plates Errata C a oc List of Members _ a a6 Additions to the Library A MEMOIRS.


. Descriptions of twenty new species of Coleoptera from

various localities. By CHAS. O. WATERHOUSE

. Notes on the African Satwrniide in the Collection of the

Royal Dublin Society. By W. F. Kirby, Assistant Naturalist, R.D.S.

. Descriptions ‘of new genera ‘and species of ‘Phytophagous

Beetles belonging to the family Cryptocephalida, to- gether with diagnoses and remarks on previously de- scribed genera. By JOSEPH S. BALY, F.L.S., &c. ..

Descriptions of new species of Phytophagous Beetles belonging to the family Humolpide ; and a Mono- graph oe ae genus Eee oe JOSEPH 8S. BALY, E.LS.,

: aye of new species of the genera Pseudomyrma

and Tetraponera, belonging to the family Myrmicide. By FREDERICK SMITH .

. A Monograph of the Australian 5, species ‘of the Coleop-

‘terous'‘family Zycide. By CHAS.-O. WATERHOUSE .

. Descriptions of new genera and species of East Indian

Tenthredinide. By PETER CAMERON

. The Geographical Distribution of Danais Archippus.

By W. L. Distant

PaO “he Lepidoptera of ‘the Amazons, collected by

JAMES W. H. TRAIL, Esq., during the years 1873 to 1875. By ARTHUR GARDINER ButLeR, F.L.S., F.Z.8., &c..

: Descriptions of new genera and of uncharacterized species

of Halticine. By JOSEPH S. BALY, F.L.S.

. Notes upon a Strepsipterous insect parasitic on an exotic

species of Homoptera. By J. O. WESTWOOD, M.A.., F.L.S., Pres. Ent. Soc., &c.

. Notes on the genus Prosopistoma of Latreille. By J. 0.

WESTWOOD, M.A., F.L.S., Pres. Ent. Soc., &c.

. On the Adult Larvee of the Stylopide and their Puparia.

By Sir SmpNEY SmiTH SAUNDERS, C.M.G. With Remarks and Figures, by Professor WESTWOOD, M.A., &c., Pres. Ent. Soe.

. On Ceratorrhina quadrimaculata (Fabr. 5, and descrip-

tions of two new allied species. By H. W. BATES, E.L.S.

. On the Food of gaily-eoloured Caterpillars, By J. W.


. Descriptions of new genera and species of " Crypto-

cephalide. By JOSEPH 8. BALY, F.LS, ..

PAGE viii Vili

ix XVI

bo Se)


57 73 87 93

Viil MEMOIRS (continued).

PAGE XVII. Notes on the new or rare Sphingide in the Museum of the Royal Dublin Society, and Remarks on Mr. Butler’s recent revision of the Family. By W. F. Kirsy,

Assistant Naturalist, R.D.S. . 233 XVIII. Descriptions of new species of Cler ide. By the Rev. H. S. GORHAM 245

XIX. On the variation of Rhopalocerous ‘forms in 1 South Africa. By J. P. MANSEL WEALE, B.A., Oxon 30 -- 265 XX. Vivarium Notes on some common Coleoptera. By J. W.

SLATER .. 5c a6 35 55 Mi

XXI. Note on Mygale str idulans. By Prof. JAMES Woop- MASON .. 55 e. 281

XXII. Descriptions of new genera and of unchar acterized species of Halticine. By JosepH S. BALY, F.LS. -- 283

XXIII. On the Lepidoptera of the family Lithosiide, in the Collection of the British Museum. By ARTHUR G. BUTLER, F.L.S., F.Z.S8., &c. .. 825 XXIV. Descriptions of new species of the Coleopterous genus Callirrhipis (Rhipidoceridz) in the British Museum. By CHAs. O. WATERHOUSE .. 379 XXV. Descriptions of a new genus and two - new species of Sphingide, with general remarks on the family. Be ARTHUR G. BUTLER, F.L.S., F.Z.8., &ce. .. SeeOOD) XXVI. Descriptions of new species of Cleride, with notes on the genera and corrections of TORENT Bye the Rev. H.S.GorHam .. 401 XXVIII. On Wotiothauma Reedi, a . remarkable - new genus and species of Mewroptera from Chili, pertaining to the family Panorpide. By R. M‘LACHUAN, F.R.S., &e. 427 XXVIII. Entomological Notes. By J. O. West woop, M.A.,

F.L.S., Pres. Ent. Soc. .. 30 -- Aol Proceedings for 1877 50 se 3c *- 5 i Index .. 3c =. 20 ee 30 ae -- Lxxyli


IMB IL 54 --See page73—79 | Plate VI. . Plate II. <. ie Plate II... :

-- See page 197 » ¢9—86 | Plate VII... 50 3 281 : 5 156 | Plate VIII. : a ° LS 194) Plate xe; 3

Plate IV. .. 395 i 194 | PlateX. .. 430,433, 437, 439



Page 28], after line 2, insert “Plate VII.” », 488, line 13, for Zoida,” read Zaida.” In the Journal of Proceedings :— Page xvii, lines 15 and 17, for “Himanopterus,” read Himantop- terus.” a » line 10 (from bottom), for “van Volxen,” read “yan Volxem.” SS » line 15 (from bottom), for “van Volxen at Lacken,”’ read “van Volxem at Laeken.” » XxXvil, line I'l (from bottom), for “Hoffmann,” read Hilgendorff.” 5 XXXU, line 13, for “sexes,” read sexes.” si » lne7 (from bottom), for “‘ acoustal,”’ read acoustical.” S » line 13 (from bottom), for exhibiteu,” read exhibited.”

Hist of Members




3lst DECEMBER, 1877.





Honorary Atembers.

Burmeister, Hermann, Buenos Ayres. Guenée, Achille, Chateaudun. Hagen, H. A., Cambridge, U.S.A. Leconte, John L., Philadelphia. Milne-Edwards, H., Paris.

Saussure, H. de, Geneva.

Schiddte, J. C., Copenhagen. Selys-Longchamps, E. de, Liége. Siebold, C. T. E. von, Munich. Zeller, P. C., Stettin.


Date of

Marked * are Original Members. Marked + have compounded for their Annual Subscriptions. Marked 8 are Annual Subscribers.


1877 1877 1867 1856


1850 1865 1867 1861

1851 1876 1866

1872 *

1841 1860 1875 1876 1852 1867 1856

1877 1870 1869 1862

1874 1855 1868

1860 1877 1877 1868 1871 1875

Adams, Herbert Jordan, Chase Park, Enfield, N.

Adams, Frederick Charlstrom, Chase Park, Enfield, N.

Archer, F., Little Crosby Road, Crosby, Liverpool.

Armitage, Edward, R.A., 3, Hall Rd., St. John’s Wood, N.W.

Babington, Charles Cardale, M.A., F.R.S., &c., Professor of Botany, 5, Brookside, Cambridge.

Baly, Joseph S., M.R.C.S., F.L.S., Zhe Butts, Warwick.

Barton, Stephen, 32, St. Wichael’s Hill, Bristol.

Bates, Frederick, 15, Northampton Square, Leicester.

Bates, Henry Walter, F.L.S., F.Z.S., 40, Bartholomew Road, Kentish Town, N.W.

Beaumont, Alfred, Steps Mills, Huddersfield.

Berens, Alexander Augustus, Spratton Grange, Northampton. Bicknell, Perey, Beckenham, Kent.

Bird, G. W., The Dartons, Dartford, Kent.

Blomefield, Rey. Leonard, M.A., F.L.S., &c., 19, Belmont, Bath.

Bond, Fred., F.Z.S., 5, Fairfield Avenue, Staines. Bonvouloir, Vicomte Henri de, 15, Rue de V’ Université, Paris. Borrer, William, junr., Comfold, Sussex.

Boscher, Edward, Bellevue House, Trwickenham.

Boyd, Thomas, Surrey Lodge, Hornend Road, Norwood, 8.E. Boyd, William Christopher, F.L.8., Cheshunt, Herts.

Braikenridge, Rev. George Weare, M.A., F.L.S., Clevedon, Bristol.

Briggs, Charles Adolphus, 55, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, W.C. Briggs, Thos. Hy., M.A., 6, Old Square, Lincoln’s Inn, W.C. Brown, N. E., Brighton Road, Red Hill.

Browne, Rev. Thomas Henry, M.A., F.G.8., The Cedars, High Wycombe, Bucks,

Bull, R, E., 85, Wilton Street, Dorset Square, N.W. Burnell, Edward Henry, 32, Bedford Row, W.C.

Butler, Arthur Gardiner, F.L.S., F.Z.S., 10, Avington Grove, Penge, S.E.

Candéze, Dr. E., Glain, Liége.

Capron, Edward, M.D., Shere, Guildford.

Carmichael, Thomas D. Gibson, Castle Craig, Dolphinton, N.B. Carrington, Charles, Hlerslie, Lower Merton, S.W. Champion, G. C., 274, Walworth Road, S.E.

Chapman, Thomas, 56, Buchanan Strect, Glasgon.


Date of


1871 1867 1865 1877 1874 1873 1873 1865 1865 1876 1853 1867 1868 1868 1878 1865



Charlton, Ernest §., Hesleyside, Bellingham, Hexham.

Clarke, Alexander Henry, 16, Furnival’s Inn, E.C.

Clarke, Charles Baron, M.A., F.L.S., 17, Chowringhee, Calcutta.

Cluse, Valentine, Whytecliffe Road, Caterham Junction.

Cockle, Captain George, 9, Bolton Gardens, S.W.

Cole, Benjamin G., Ivy Cottage, Hermon Hill, Wanstead, E.

Cole, William, Zvy Cottage, Hermon Hill, Wanstead, KE.

Colquhoun, Hugh, M.D., Anchorage, Bothwell, N.B.

Cooke, Benj., Sunnyside Cottage, Bowdon, Altrincham.

Copperthwaite, William Charles, Zhe Lodge, Malton.

Cox, Colonel C. J., Yordwich House, Canterbury.

Cox, Herbert Edward, Rosenheim, Reigate.

Cumming, Linnzus, B.A., 22, Warwich Square, Rugby.

Curzon, E. P. Roper. ©

Dale, C. W., Glanville’s Wootton, Sherborne.

Dallas, William Sweetland, F.L.S., Geological Society, Buwz- lington House, W.

Darwin, Charles, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c., Down, Beckenham, Kent.

Dawson, John, Carron, Falkirk, Stirlingshire.

Devonshire, William Cavendish, Duke of, K.G., F.R.S., &c., Devonshire House, 78, Piccadilly, W.

Dickson, Professor William, Curator of the University Library, Glasgow.

Distant, William Lucas, 1, Selston Villas, Derwent Grove, East Dulwich, $.K.

Dohrn, Dr. C. A., Pres. Entomological Society of Stettin, Stettin.

Doria, Marquis Giacomo, Strada Nuova, Genoa.

Dormer, John Baptist Joseph Dormer, Lord, Grove Park, Warwick.

Douglas, John William, 8, Beaufort Gardens, Lewisham, S.E.

Dowsett, Arthur, 16, Worth Street, Brighton.

Druce, Herbert, F.L.S., F.Z.8., 1, Circus Road, St. John’s Wood, N.W.

Duer, Yeend, Cleygate House, Esher.

Dunning, Joseph William, M.A., F.L.S., F.Z.S., 24, Old Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn, W.C.

Du Pré, Charles Christian, F.L.S., Yonge House, 354, Russell Road, Kensington, W.

D’Urban, W.S. M., F.L.S., Aldbuera, St. Leonards, Bxeter.

Eaton, Rev. Alfred Edwin, M.A., Chislehurst, Kent.

Emich, Gustave a’, Pesth, Hungary.

Enock, Frederic, 30, Russell Road, Seven Sisters’ Road, Holloway, N.

Fenn, Charles, Ashley House, Eltham Road, Lee, S.E. Fitch, Edward A., Brick House, Maldon, Essex.

Fitch, Frederick, Hadleigh House, Highbury New Park, N. Fletcher, J. E., Happy Land, Worcester.

Forbes, W. A., St. John’s College, Cambridge.

Date of Election.

1870 1869 1855

1876 1865 1874 1865

1875 S.

1855 1874


1850 1865 1872 1876


1850 1877 1874 1858 1864 1846

1866 1876 1869 1876

1865 1870

1869 S.

1843 1869 18538

1872 S. 1865 §.

1876 1876 1872 1876

1861 1842



Freeland, H. W., M.A., Chichester.

French, Rev. David John, F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.H.S., &c.

Fry, Alexander, F.L.S., Thornhill House, Dulwich Wood, Park, Norwood, 5.4.

Fryer, Herbert Fortescue, Chatteris, Cambridgeshire.

Fust, H. Jenner, jun., M.A., Hill Court, Falfield, Gloucester.

Garneys, W., M.R.C.S., Repton, Burton-on-Trent.

Godman, Frederick Du Cane, M.A., F.1.8., &c., Park Hatch, Godalming.

Gooch, W. D., Spring Vale, Little Umhlanga, Victoria County, Natal.

Gorham, Rey. Henry Stephen, Shipley, Sussex.

Goss, Herbert, The Avenue, Surbiton Hill, Surrey.

Gould, John, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c., 26, Charlotte Street, Bedford Square, W.C.

Gray, John, Wheatfield House, Bolton, Lancashire.

Greene, Rey. J., M.A., Rostrevor, Apsley Rd., Clifton, Bristol.

Greening, Noah, Warrington.

Grube, Professor Edward, Director of the Zoological Museum of the University of Breslau, Breslau.

Grut, Ferdinand, F.L.S., SECRETARY, 9, King Street, South- nwark, §.E.

Guycn, George, Southeliff Cottage, Ventnor, Isle of Wight.

Harding, George, Stapleton, near Bristol.

Harford, Henry C., Lieut. 99th Regiment, Carrick-on-Suir.

Harold, Baron Edgar von, 52, Barerstrasse, Munich.

Harper, P. H., 30, Cambridge Street, Hyde Park Square, W.

Hewitson, William Chapman, F.L.S., F.Z.8., Oatlands, Weybridge.

Higgins, E. T., M.R.C.S., 24, Bloomsbury Street, W.C.

Hillman, Thomas Stanton, Delves House, Ringmer, Lewes.

Holdsworth, Edward, Shanghai.

Horniman, Frederick John, F.L.S., F.R.G.S., F.Z.S., &c., Surrey House, Forest Hill, S.E.

Hudd, A. E., 96, Pembroke Road, Clifton, Bristol. Jacques, F. V., 7, Apsley Road, Clifton, Bristol.

Janson, E. M., Las Lajas, Chontales, Nicaragua. Janson, Edward W., 32, Victoria Road, Finsbury Park, N. Janson, Oliver E., 32, Victoria Road, Finsbury Park, N. Jekel, Henri, 2, Rue Letort, Paris.

Jenner, J. H. A., High Street, Lewes.

John, Evan, Llantrissant, Pontypridd.

Katter, Dr. F., Putbus, Riigen, North Prussia.

Kay, John Dunning, Leeds.

Kaye, Ernest St. G., Jessore, Bengal.

Kraatz, Dr. G., President of the Berlin Entomological Society, Link Strasse, Berlin.

Kirby, W. F., Royal Dublin Society, Kildare Street, Dublin.

Kuper, Rey. Charles Augustus Frederick, M.A., The Vicarage, Trelleck, Chepston.


Date of


1875 1868

1865 1868

1876 1876 1835

1872 1875 1865 1849 1850


1851 1858

1869 1873 1865

1856 1874 1865


1865 1872

1871 1866 1853 1872 1859 1869

1876 1872 1870

1869 1877 1873 1841



Lamarche, Oscar, 70, ewe Louvrex, Liége.

Lang, Major A. M., R.E., Thomason Civil Engineering College, Roorkee, India.

Latham, A. G., Weaste Hall, Pendleton, Manchester.

Lendy, Capt. Augustus F., F.L.S., Sunbury House, Sunbury, S.W.

Lewis, George, Queen’s Road, Putney, S.W. Lichtenstein, Jules, Za Lironde, near Montpellier.

Lingwood, Robert Maulkin, M.A., F.LS., 6, Park Villas, Cheltenham.

Livett, H. W., M.D., Wells, Somerset.

Livingstone, Clermont, Zudor Lodge, Snaresbrook, Ki.

Llewelyn, J. Talbot Dillwyn, M.A., F.LS., Ynisgerwn, Neath.

Logan, R. F., Spylaw House, Colinton, near Hdinburgh.

Lowe, W. H., M.D., Woodcote Lodge, Inner Park Road, Wimbledon Park, S.W.

Lubbock, Sir John, Bart., M.P., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c., High Elms, Farnborough, Kent.

M‘Intosh, J.

ee Robert, F.R.S., F.L.S., 39, Limes Grove, Lewisham,

Marseul, L’ Abbé 8. A. de, Boulevard Pereire, 271, Paris. Marsh, John George, 842, Old Kent Road, S.E.

Marshall, Rev. Thomas Ansell, M.A., F.L.S., LIBRARIAN, The Manor House, Belsize Park Gardens, Hampstead, N.W.

Marshall, William, Him Lodge, Clay Hill, Enfield. Mason, Philip Brooke, M.R.C.S., F.L.S., Burton-on-Trent.

Mathew, Gervase F., R.N., F.L.S., F.Z.S., H.M.S. Britannia, Dartmouth.

May, Joseph William, Arundel House, Percy Cross, Fulham Road, 8.W.

Meek, Edward G., 56, Brompton Road, S.W.

Meldola, Raphael, F.R.A.S., F.C.S., SECRETARY, 21, John Street, Bedford Row, W.C.

Miskin, W. H., Supreme Court, Brisbane, Queensland.

Mniszech, Comte G. de, 22, Rue Balzac, Paris.

Moore, Frederic, 110, Oakfield Road, Penge, S.E.

Moreton, Lord, 16, Portman Square, W.

Mosse, G. Staley, 16, Stanford Road, Kensington, W.

Miiller, Albert, F.R.G.S., 72, Grenzacher Strasse, Basle, Switzerland.

Miller, Dr. Clemens.

Murray, Lieut. H., 70th Brigade Depot, Tralee, Ireland.

Murray, Rey. Richard Paget, M.A., Baltonsboro Parsonage, Glastonbury.

Oberthur, Charles (fils), Rennes. Oberthur, René, Rennes. Olivier, Ernest, Moulins (Allier), France.

Owen, Richard. C.B., M.D., F.R.S., F.LS., &c., British Museum, W.C.

Date of


1840 +



Parry, Major Frederick John Sidney, F.L.S., 18, Onslow Square, 5.W.

Pascoe, Francis P., F.L.S., 1, Burlington Road, Westbourne Park, W.

Phipson, Arthur, 1 Field Court, Gray’s Inn, W.C.

Pictet, Edward, Avenue du Pin, Geneve.

Porritt, George T., F.L.S., Huddersfield.

Power, Henry d’Arcy, F.L.S., 8, Manor Terrace, New Church Road, Camberwell, S.K.

Preston, Rev. Thomas Arthur, M.A., F.L.S., Zhe College, Marlborough.

Preudhomme de Borre, Alfred, Secretary of the Entomological Society of Belgium, 21, Boulevard du Regent, Brussels.

Pryer, H. J. S., Yokohama, Japan.

Puls, J. C., Place de la Calandre, Ghent.

Ransom, William Henry, M.D., F.R.S., Zhe Pavement, Not- tingham.

Reed, Edwyn C., F.L.S., Museo Nacional, Santiago de Chile. Riley, C. V., State Entomologist, St. Lowis, Missouri.

Ripon, George Frederick Samuel Robinson, Marquis of, K.G., E.RS., F.LS., 1, Carlton Gardens, 5.W.

Robinson-Douglas, William Douglas, F.L.S., F.R.G.S., Or- chardton, Castle-Douglas, N.B.

Roebuck, William Denison, 9, Sunnybank Terrace, Leeds. Rothera, G. B., High Street Place, Nottingham. Rothney, G. A. J., Calcutta.

Rutherford, David Greig, F.L.S., F.R.G.S., F.Z.8., &e., Surrey House, Forest Hill, 8.E.

Rye, Edward Caldwell, F.Z.S., Parkfield, Putney, S.W.

Rylands, Thomas Glazebrook, F.L.S., F.G.S., Highfields, Thelwall, Warrington.

Sallé, Auguste, 13, Rue Guy de la Brosse, Paris.

Salvin, Osbert, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c., 6, Tenterden Street, Hanover Square, W., and Brookland Avenue, Cambridge.

Saunders, Edward, F.L.S., Holmesdale, Upper Tooting, S.W. Saunders, G. 8., Spencer Park, Wandsworth, S.W.

Saunders, Sir Sidney Smith, C.M.G., Gatestone, EN al Hill, Upper Norwood, S.E.

Saunders, William Wilson, F.R.S., F.L.8., &c., Raystead, Worthing.

Schaufuss, L. W., Ph. D., M. Imp., L. C. Acad., &c., Dresden.

Sealy, Alfred Forbes, Cochin, South India.

Semper, George, Altona.

Sharp, David, M.B., Hecles, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire.

Shepherd, Edwin, 21, Albert Terrace, Clapham Road, S.W.

Sheppard, Edward, F.L.S., 18, Durham Villas, Kensington, W.

Sidebotham, Joseph, Zhe Beeches, Bowdon, Cheshire.

Slater, Joseph William, 2, .Zammorth Terrace, Hornsey Road, N.

Smith, Frederick, 27, Richmond Crescent, Islington, N.


Date of





1862 1837

1876 1866 1876 1854 1856


1853 1859


1869 1849 1866 1876 1870

1858 1863 1866

1874 1866 1875 1850 1869 co 1869 1845



1868 1865

1874 18438

1874 1862 1865







Smith, Henley Grose, Warnford Court, Throgmorton Street, E.C.

Spence, W. B.

Stainton, Henry Tibbats, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c., Mountsfield, Lewisham, §.B.

Stevens, John S., 88, King Street, Covent Garden, W.C.

Stevens, Samuel, F.L.S., Loanda, Beulah Hill, Upper Nor- wood, 8.E.

Swale, Harold, 48, S¢. George’s Road, S. Belgravia, 8.W.

Swanzy, Andrew, F.L.S., Sevenoaks.

Swinton, A. H., Binfield House, Waterden Road, Guildford.

Thompson, Miss Sophia, Barn Hill, Stamford.

Thomson, James, 12, Rue de Presbourg, Place de lV Etoile, Paris.

Thwaites, George Henry Kendrick, Ph. D., F.R.S., F.L.S., Director of the Royal Botanic Garden, Peradenia, Ceylon.

Tompkins, H., 28, Zavistock Square, W.C.

Trimen, Roland, F.L.8., Colonial Office, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope.

Tuely, Nathaniel Clissold, F.L.S., Mortimer Lodge, Wimbledon Park, S.W.

Vaughan, Howard, 55, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, W.C.

Vaughan, P. H., Redland, Bristol.

Verrall, G. H., Yriar’s Cottage, Lewes, Sussex.

Wakefield, Charles Marcus, F.L.S., The Hims, Uxbridge.

Walker, Rev. Francis Augustus, M.A., F.L.8., Dry Drayton Rectory, Cambridge.

Wallace, Alexander, M.D., Trinity House, Colchester.

Wallace, Alfred Russel, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c., Rosehill, Dorking.

Walsingham, Thomas de Grey, Lord, M.A., F.Z.S., &c., 28, Arlington Street, W.

Ward, Allan Ogier, 34, King William Street, B.C.

Ward, Christopher, F.L.S., Savile Road, Halifax.

Ward, Frederick Henry, Springfield, Tooting, S.W.

Waring, 8. L., The Oaks, Norwood, S.E.

Waterhouse, Charles O., British Museum, W.C.

Waterhouse, George R., F.Z.8S., &c., British Musewm, W.C.

Websdale, C. G., 78, High Street, Barnstaple.

Weir, John Jenner, F.L.8., TREASURER, 6, Haddo Villas, Blackheath, 8.E.

Western, Edward Young, 8, Craven Hill, Bayswater, W.

Westwood, John Obadiah, M.A., F.L.S., &c., PRESIDENT, Hope Professor of Zoology, Walton Manor, Oxford.

White, F. Buchanan, M.D., F.L.S., Perth, N.B.

ES Rey. William Farren, Stonehouse Vicarage, Gloucester- shire.

Wilson, Owen, Cumffrad, Carmarthen.

Wollaston, T. Vernon, M.A., F.L.S.,1, Barnepark Terrace, Teignmouth, Devon.

Wood-Mason, James, Curator of the Indian Museum, Calcutta.

Wormald, Percy C., 2, Clifton Villas, Highgate Hill, N.

Young, Morris, Mee Museum, Paisley.



Teoh if

Abeille (L’.), redige par M. S. A. de Marseul, Nos. 183, 186, 188 a 196. American Naturalist (The). Vol. I. Salem (Mass.) 1867—8.

Ditto. ditto. Vol. X., Nos. 11 & 12. Vol. XI., Nos. 1, 2; & 5 to 11. 8yo. Boston, 1876—7.

AnpERSON (Dr. J.), Note on the Floral Simulation of Gongylus gongylodes, Linn. 8vo. 1877.

Bere (Carl), Beitrage zu den Pyralidinen Sitidamerika’s. Beitrag zur Lepidopteren-Fauna Liv,—Kur-und Estlands. 8vo. Riga, 1874. Ueber im Wasser lebende Bombyx-Raupen. 8vo. Riga, 1875. Untersuchungen tiber die Gattung Mimallo Hibner’s und ihre Arten.

Patagonische Lepidopteren beobachtet auf eine Reise im Jahre, 1874. 8yo. Moscow, 1876.

Memoria sobre Orugas Acuaticas de la Familia de los Bombycide. 8vo. Buenos Aires, 1876.

Estudios Lepidopterologicos acerca de la Fauna Argentina, Oriental y Bra- silera. 8vo. Buenos Aires, 1877.

Bovcarp (Adolphe), Monographie List of the Coleoptera of the Genus Plusiotis {Rutelide] of America, North of Panama, with descriptions of several new species. 8vo. London, 1875.

Briost (Giovanni), Sulla Phytoptosi della Vite (Phytoptus vitis, Landois). 8vo. Palermo, 1877.

Intorno alla Malattia denominata Marciume dell’uva. 8vo. Palermo, 1877.

BurMEISTER (Dr. of ), Description Physique de Ja République Argentine. Tomes 1&2. 8vo. Paris, 1876.

Canadian Entomologist (The). Vol. VIII., No. 11. Vol. IX., Nos. 1 to 6, & 8 to 10, 8vo. London (Ontario), 1876—77.

CARPENTER (Lieut. W. L.), Report on the Collections made by him in 1873, while connected with the United States Geological Survey. 8vo. Washing-

ton, 1875. On the Alpine Insect-Fauna of Colorado. By Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, U.S.A.

List of Species of Butterflies collected by W. L. Carpenter for the U. States Geological Survey of Colorado, 1873. By W. H. Edwards.

On the Geographical Distribution of the Moths of Colorado, By A. S. Packard, Jun., M.D.

Report on the Diptera collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter in Colorado during the summer of 1873. By C. R. Osten-Sacken.

Notice on the Galls collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter. By C. R. Osten- Sacken.



CARPENTER (Lieut. W.L.), List of Species of Coleoptera collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter for the United States Geological Survey of Colorado, 1873. By Henry Ulke.

Report on the Pseudo-Neuroptera and Neuroptera collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, in 1873, in Colorado. By H. A. Hagen.

Report of the Myriopods collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, in 1873, in Colorado. By A. S. Packard, Jun., M.D.

Report on the Amphipod Crustaceans. By S. I. Smith.

Description of a Lernzan Crustacean (Achtheres Carpenteri) obtained by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, in 1873, in Colorado. By A. S. Packard, Jun., M.D. Synopsis of the Fresh-Water Phyllopod Crustacea of North America, By A. S. Packard, Jun., M.D. Catalogue of Scientific Papers. Vol. VI1. (1864 to 1873). 4to. London, 1877. [Published by the Royal Society. ] Cuampers (V.T.), Papers on the Tineina and Entomostraca of Colorado. 8vo. Washington, 1877. Art. vi. The Tineina of Colorado.

» vii. Notes on a Collection of Tineid Moths made in Colorado, in 1875, by A. S. Packard, Jun., M.D.

», Vili, On the Distribution of Tineina in Colorado. » ix. New Entomostraca from Colorado. Cuevrotat (Auguste), Mémoire de la Famille des Clerites. 8vo. Paris, 1876.

Doveras (J. W.) and Scotr (John), The British Hemiptera. Vol. I. Hemiptera- Heteroptera. 8vo. London, 1865.

Epwarps (William H.), Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico. Part I. Diurnals. S8yo. Philadelphia, 1877.

List of Species of Butterflies collected by Campbell Carrington and William B. Logan of the Expedition in 1871. [Report of the U.S. Geological Survey of Montana. 8vo. Washington, 1872.]

List of Butterflies collected in Colorado. See ‘‘ CarPENTER (W. L.)”

Entomologist (The), an Illustrated Journal of British Entomology. Edited by John T. Carrington and others. Vol. X. 8vo. London, 1877.

Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine (The). Vol. XIV., Nos. 152 to 163. 8vo. Lon- don, 1877. ;

Enumeratio Insectorum Norvegicorum. 8yo. Christiania, 1875—6. Fasciculus ii. Catalogum Coleopterorum continens, Auctore H. Siebke.

5 iii. Catalogum Lepidopterorum continentem, Auctore H. Siebke defuncto: edidit J. Sparre Schneider.

Fror (Dr. Gustav), Die Rhyncoten Livlands. 1 & 2 Theil. 8vo. Dorpat, 1860—61.

GrMMINGER (Dr.) and Dz Harotp (B.), Catalogus Coleopterorum hucusque descrip- torum Synonymicus et Systematicus. Tom. xii. 8vo. Monachii, 1876.

Gover (Townend), Manuscript Notes from my Journal; or Illustrations of Insects, Native and Foreign. Order Hemiptera, Sub-Order Heteroptera or Plant-Bugs. Small folio. Washington, 1876.

Goopman (Neville), On a striking instance of Mimicry, with some Notes on the Phenomenon of Protective Resemblance. 8vo. Cambridge, 1877.

Graxsrr (Dr. Vitus), Der Organismus der Insekten. 12mo. Miinchen, 1877. [*‘ Na- turkratte,” xx1. Band.]


Grote (A. R.), Check-List of the Noctuids of America North of Mexico. IT. Noe- tuelitz, Deltoides, and Noctuo-Phalenide. 8vo. Buffalo (N. Y.), 1876.

Notes on a Collection of Noctuid Moths made in Colorado, in 1875, by Dr. A.S. Packard. 8vo. Washington, 1857.

HaceEn (Dr. H.), Symphrasis eine neue Mantispiden-Gattung. Svo. Stettin, 1877. Report upon the Collections of Neuroptera and Pseudo-Neuroptera made in portions of Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, during the years 1872, 1873 and 1874. Report on the Pseudo-Neuroptera and Neuroptera collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, in 1873, in Colorado. See ‘‘ Carpenter (W. L.)” Hewirson (W.C.), Exotic Butterflies, Part 100. 4to. London, 1877. Illustrations of Diurnal Lepidoptera. Part VII. Lycsnid. 4to. Lond. 1877. Horn (Dr. George H.), A List of Coleoptera collected by G. Thomas in Eastern Colorado and North-Eastern New Mexico during the Survey of 1868. [Report of the U.S. Geological Survey of Wyoming. 8yvo. Washing- ton, 1872. ] Coleoptera. [Report of the U.S. Geological Survey of Montana. 8yo. Washington, 1872. | The Rhyncophora of America. See Le Conte and Horn.” Report on Insects introduced by means of International Exhibition. See “Te Contre, Horn and Lerpy.”

Jory (Dr. N.), Etudes sur l’Embryogénie des Ephéméres notamment chez la Palingenia virgo. 8vo. Toulouse, 1876 (?)

Jory (Dr. N.) et Jozy (E.), Contributions a l’Histoire Naturelle et a l’Anatomie des Ephemerines. 8yo. Montpellier, 1876.

Karrer (Dr. F.), Entomologische Nachrichten. 2 Jahrg. & 3 Jahrg. Hft 1. Putbus, 1876 & 1877

Le Contre (Dr. John L.), Tabular Synopsis of the Rhyneophoraof America. 8vo. 1877. On the Affinities of Hypocephalus. 8yo. Philadelphia, 1876. Report upon New Species of Coleoptera collected by the Expedition for Geological Surveys west of the 100th meridian. 8vo. Washington, 1876. Lr Conte (Dr. John L.) and Horn (Dr. G. H.), The Rhyncophora of America. 8yo. Philadelphia, 1876. Lr Conte (Dr. John L.), Horn (Dr. G. H.), and Lerpy (Joseph), Report on Insects | introduced by means of the International Exhibition. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1876. LicHTENSTEIN (Jules), of Montpellier, Notes pour servir a l’histoire des Insectes du genre Phylloxera. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1877. Luszock, Bart. (Sir John), Observations on the Habits of Ants, Bees and, Wasps. Part IV. 8vo. London, 1877.

McLacutan (Robert), A Monographie Revision and Synopsis of the Trichoptera ot the European Fauna. Part VI. 8vo. London and Berlin, 1877.

Marenen (Prosper Auguste), Observations on the Phylloxera vastatrix, with Tlus- trations of the Transformations, taken from the ‘“ Tableau Biologique du Phylloxera,” offert au Congrés de Bordeaux. London, 1876.

Mence (A.), Ueber ein Rhipidopteren und einige andere in Bernstein eingeschlos- sene tiere. Danzig, 1866.

Murray (Andrew), Economic Entomology (Aptera) ; being the first volume of a

Series entitled “South Kensington Museum Science Hand-Books.” 8vo. London, 1877.


Naturalist (The). See ‘‘ Societies (HUDDERSFIELD ).” Nature. Nos. 371 to 422 (7 Dec. 1876, to 29 Nov. 1877).

Newman (Edward), Memoir of the Life and Works of E. Newman. By his Son. 8vo. London, 1876.

OBERTHUR (Charles), Etudes d’Entomologie d’Insectes Nouveaux ou peu connus. Livr. 1 & 2. 4to. Rennes, 1876.

I. Etudes sur la Faune des Lépidoptéres de l’Algérie.

II. Espéces nouvelles des Lépidoptéres recueillis en Chine, par M. l’Abbe A. David.

Oxtvinr (Ernest), Le Doryphora (Leptinotarsa) decemlineata. 8vo. Moulins (Allier).

Oxtvrera (Manuel Paulo d’), Mélanges Entomologiques sur les Insectes de Portugal. 8vo. Coimbre, 1876.

OrmEROD (KE. A.), Notes for Observations on Injurious Insects.

OSTEN-SackEN (C.R.), Western Diptera. Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Diptera from the Region West of the Misissippi, and especially from California. 8vo. Washington, 1877.

Notes on some Diptera from the Island Guadaloupe (Pacific Ocean) col- lected by Mr. E. Palmer. 8yo. Boston, 1876.

A List of the North American Syrphide. 8vo. Buffalo (N. Y.), 1876.

Prodrome of a Monograph of the Tabanide of the United States. Parts 1&2. 4to. Boston, 1876.

Report on the Collection of Diptera made in portions of Colorado and Arizona during the year 1878.

Report on the Diptera collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter in Colorado. See “CARPENTER (W. L.)”

Notice on the Galls collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter in Colorado. See ‘* CARPENTER (W. L.)”

Pacxarp, Jun. (Dr. A. S.), Mayer’s Ontogeny and Philogeny of Insects.

A Century’s Progress in American Zoology. {Reprinted from the American Naturalist,’ October, 1876.]

On a new Cave Fauna in Utah, and on new Phyllopod Crustacea from the West. 8vo. Washington, 1877.

Geographical Distribution of the Moths of Colorado. See‘ CanPENTER (W. L.)” Report of the Myriopods in Colorado. Description of a Lernean Crustacean. Synopsis of the Fresh-water Phyllopod Crustacea. PaumEn (Dr. J. A.), Zur Morphologie des Tracheensystems. 8vo. Helsingfors. 1877. Pascok (Francis P.), On Zoological Classification. London, 1877. Puateau (Felix), Les Voyages des Naturalistes Belges.. Svo. Bruxelles, 1876. L'Instinet des Insectes peut-il étre mis en defaut par des fleurs artificielles ?

Reuter (Edm.), Neue Clavicornen.

Ritey (Charles V.), The Ninth Annual Report of the Noxious, Beneficial and other Insects of the State of Missouri. 8vo. Jefferson City, 1877.

The Locust Plague in the United States, being more particularly a Treatise on the Rocky Mountain Locust. S8yo. Chicago, 1877.

SaussuRE (Henri de), Mission Scientifique au Mexique, pp. 183 a 292. Planches 5 & 6. Paris.

Meélanges Orthoptérologiques, 5éme fasc. 4to. Genéve, Bale & Lyon, 1877.

SCHMANKEWITSCH (Wladimir), Zur Kenntniss des Einflusses der ausseren Lebens- bedingungen auf die Organisation der Thiere.


Scottish Naturalist. Edited by Dr. F. Buchanan White. Nos. IX. to XXVIII. ScuppER (Samuel H.), Insects of the Tertiary Beds at Quesnel (British Columbia). Brief Synopsis of North American Earwigs, with an Appendix on the Fossil Species. List of the Orthoptera collected by Dr. A. S. Packard in Colorado and the neighbouring Territories during the Summer of 1875. Notice of a small Collection of Butterflies made by Dr. A. S. Packard in Colorado and Utah in 1875. The Relationship of the Early Spring Blues. 8vo. London (Ontario), 1876. Synonymic List of the Butterflies of North America north of Mexico. Part II. Rurales. A Cosmopolitan Butterfly (a Reprint). 8yo. Cambridge, 1876. The Mode in which Cockroaches and Harwigs fold their Wings. Synoptical Table for determining North American Insects. Entomological Notes. No.5. 8vo. Boston, 1876. Remarks on some Remains of Insects occurring in Carboniferous Shale at Cape Breton. Notice of a small Collection of Butterflies, by Mr. Roland Thaxter, on Cape Breton Island. A Century of Orthoptera. Decade V. Forficularie (Exotic). rs Tae Ne 3; (N. American). Description of Three Species of Labia from the Southern United States. Orthoptera from the Island of Guadalupe. Critical and Historical Notes on Forficulari# ; including Descriptions of New Generic Forms, and an Alphabetical Synonymic List of the Described Species. A Brief Comparison of the Butterfly Fauna of Europe and Eastern North America, with Hints concerning the derivation of the latter. 8vo. Cambridge (Mass.), 1877. Antigeny, or Sexual Dimorphism in Butterflies. On the first discovered traces of Fossil Insects in the American Tertiaries, and on two new Carabide# from the Interglacial Deposits of Scarboro’ Heights, near Toronto, Canada. On the Classification of Butterflies, with special reference to the Position of the Equites or Swallow-tails. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877. Sex1ys-Lonecuampes (E. de), Synopsis des Agrionines. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1876-77. Srepke (H.) See Enumeratio,” &c. SrzBoLpD (C. von), Ueber Helicopsyche als eine der Schweiz. Insecten fauna ange- hérende Phryganide erkannt. Schaffhausen, 1876. Ueber die in Miinchen geziichtete Artemia fertilis aus dem grossen Salzsee yon Utah. 8vo. Basel, 1877. Smit (Frederick), Catalogue of British Hymenoptera. 2nd edition. Part I. An- drenids and Apidse. 8vo. London, 1876. Suir (S. J.), Report on the Amphipod Crustaceans. See ‘“ CARPENTER (W. L.)” Societies (Transactions of Learned). (Boston, U.S.), Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. Vol. XVIII. Parts 3 & 4. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History. Vol. II. PartIV. No.5. (Briinn), Verhandlungen der naturforschenden Vereines in Brinn. Band XIV. 1875. (Brussets), Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique. Tom. XIX., Fase. 2 & 3, 1876; and XX., Fasc. 1, 1877. (BurFato, N.Y.), Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Vol, I1I, No. 4.


Societies (Transactions of Learned).

(CampripGE, Mass., U.S.), Psyche, Organ of the Cambridge Entomological Club. YVol- II. Nos. 33 to 38.

(Davenrort, Iowa, U.S.), Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. Vol. I. 1867-76.

(FLorencE), Bulletino della Societa Hntomologica Italiana. Anno 8yo, Trimestre 4, 1876; Anno 90. Trim. 1—3, 1877.

(GpNnEvA), Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genéyve. Tome XXIV., 2de Partie, 1875—6 ; Tome XXV., lere Partie, 1877.

(Genoa), Annali del Museo Civico di Storia. Naturale di Genova. Vols. IV—VIII. 1873—76.

(Haeux), Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. 20 Deel. Afi. 1—4. s’Grayenhage, 1876—77.

(Hetsinerors), Notiser ur Sallskapets pro Fauna et Flora Fennica For- handlingar. 13 & 14 Haftet.

(HuDDERSFIELD), The Naturalist, Journal of the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union. Nos. XVIII. to XXIX. 1877.

(Lerps), The Seventh Annual Report ef the Leeds Naturalists’ Club. 1876—77. (London), Proceedings of the Royal Society. Nos. 175 to 183.

Transactions of the Linnean Society (Second Series). Zoology. Vol. I. Parts 4 to 6. Journal of the Linnean Society (Zoology). Vol. XIII. Nos. 66 to 73.

Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society, 1876. Part IV.; 1877, Parts I. & II.

Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club. No. 84.

Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. (Second Series). Vol. XIII. 2

(Moscow), Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 1876, Nos. 2 to 4. 1877, Nos. 1 & 2.

(Paris), Annales de la Sociéte Entomologique de France. 4éme Serie. Tome 10e. (Partie Supplementaire, Famille des Hucnémides. 4éme Cahier).

Annales dela Société Entomologique de France. 5éme Serie. Tomes 4&5,

(PHILADELPHIA), Transactions of the American Entomological Society. Vol. V., Nos. 3 & 4; Vol. VI., Nos. 1 & 2.

Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution for 1876.

(Rio JanErro), Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio Janeiro. Vol. I. Tri- mestres 1—3.

(Rome), Atti della R. Accademia dei Lincei. Serie terza. Transunti. Vol. L., Fasc. 1—7. 1876—77.

(St, Prterspure), Hore Societatis Entomologicee Rossice. T. XII. Nos. 1—4.

(SCHAFFHAUSEN), Mittheilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesell- schaft. Vol. IV., Heft Nro. 10, 1877; Vol. V., Heft Nyro. 3, 4.

(Sterrin), Entomologische Zeitung. o7 Jahrg. Nro. 10—12. 38 Jahrg. Nyro. 1—12. (SypNry), Proceedings of the Linnean Society of N.S. Wales. Vol. I., Part 4; Vol. I1., Part 1. (Toronto), Annual Report of the Entomological Society of the Province of Ontario. 1876. (TounovsE), Bulletin de la Société d’histoire naturelle de Toulouse. 10e année 1875-76, et lle année Fasc. I., 1877. (Vienna), Verhandlungen der k.k. Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. XXYI. Band.


Societies (Transactions of Learned). (Warwick), Proceedings of the Warwickshire Field Club.

(WasHineTon), Bulletin of the United States Entomological Commission. No. 1. Destruction of the Young or Unfledged Locust. No. 2. On the Natural History of the Rocky Mountain Locust. Reports of the United States Geological Surveys, 1870, 1871 and 1874.

(Watrorp & Hertrorp), Transactions of the Watford Natural History Society and Hertfordshire Field Ciub. Vol. I. Parts 3 to 6.

Tuomas (Cyrus), A List and Descriptions of New Species of Orthoptera [with remarks on the Caloptenus spretus, or Hateful Grasshopper.] [Report of the United States Geological Survey of Wyoming. 8vo. Washington, 1872.]

Notes on the Saltatorial Orthoptera of the Rocky Mountain Regions. [Report of the U.S. Geological Survey of Montana. 8yo. Washing- ton, 1872.]

Tuomson (C. G.), Opuscula Entomologica. Fasciculi 5 et 6. 8vo. Lund, 1873—74.

Unter (P.R.), A List of Hemiptera collected in Eastern Colorado and North Eastern New Mexico, during the Expedition of 1869. [Report of the U.S. Geological Survey of Wyoming. 8yvo. Washington, 1872.]

Notices of the Hemiptera of the Western Territories of the United States, chiefly from the Surveys of Dr. F. VY. Hayden. [Report of the U.S. Geological Survey of Montana. 8vo. Washington, 1872.)

Uke (Henry), List of Coleoptera in Colorado, See CARPENTER (W. L.)”

VottENHOVEN (S. C. Snellen von), Sepp’s Nederlandsche Insecten. Nos. 87 to 46. 4to. s’Gravenhage, 1875—77.