CURTIS‘ § 2 ee Botanica, Macazing;
‘abe | ek ae R,
‘Flower-Garden Difplayed:
The moft Ornamental Foreicn Puiants, cultivated in the
Open Ground, the Green-Houfe, and the Stove, are accurately reprefented in their natural Colours, TO WHICH ARE ADDED,
Their Names, Clafs, Order, Generic and Specific Charaéters, according to the celebrated Linnzus; their Places of Growth, and Times of Flowering:
Intended for the Ufe of fach Lapies, GenrLemen, and GARDENERS, as
with to become fcientificay acquainted with the Plants they cultivate,
JOHN SIMS, M. D. ) Fertow: or tHe LInNEAN poctary. Mast? =G Ga
VOL xv1.0 — Ss
————— il me femble qu’un des plus grands charmes de la Botanique eft, apres celui - de voir par foi-méme, celui de verifier ce qu’ont vu les autres; donner fur le temoignage de mes propres yeux mon affentiment aux obfervations fines et juftes d’un anteur me paroit une veritable jouiffance ; au lieu que quand je ne trouve pas ce qu’il dit je fuis toujours en inquiétude fi ce n’eft pas moi qui voit mal. :
a LONDON: Printed by SrerpHen Coucuman, Throgmorton-Street,
Roussgau parlant de la fynonymie,
_ Publithed by T. CURTIS, N°3, St. George’s-Crefcent, Black-Friars-Road;
And Sold by the principal Bookfellers in Great-Britain and Ireland, . ene: _ MDCCCII, | |
Syd Edward: del Turks . Gace: Crefcent Nonts92 F Sanfom cud
: ot of gg7a} so a Ix1a SECUNDA. One-RankeD Ixta.
Seeneiokibiebsk kee dek &
Clafs and Order.
‘TRIANDRIA Monocenra. Generic Charafer.—Vid. os gee 549+
Specific Charafer and ‘Synonym.
IXIA /ecunda ; foliis nudis, fcapo lanugine perminuta denfiflima veftito, rachide perarcuatim flexuola, floribus fecundis tubo brevi, antheris fligmatibus fubjeétis. G. :
IXIA fecunda, Thunb, Diff. n.7. (e cujus fynonymis elimi- — nande Ixra flexuofa, L. Ixia feillaris, L. & Ixia fe- cunda, Dela Roche) prod. g. Berg: fi. cap. 6. Facg. ic. rar. 2. t..277. coll, 4. 180. Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. 197- (reje€to una cum fupradiétis a Thunbergio citatis, item — fynonymo Houit Linn. Pf. fyft.) — a
IXIA pufilla. Bot. Rep. tab. 245.
The above-mentioned curvature of the iat of the Racks probably fuggefted to Tuunserc the poflibility of its being ‘Linn aus’s 1x1a flexuofa, which is however a very diftiné& fpecies. Found at the Cape, on the Groene Kloof, and Roode Sand Hills, and alfo in fome fandy fpots in Swartland. Forms with Ix1a_ ramofa (feillaris, Thunb.) Ixra hirta, 1x10 Ro- - chenfis, and Ixra fetacea, a very diftin& feftion in this genus, agreeing in bulb and general habit of the leaves and flowers. Is as yet a very rare plant amongit us. Our figure was taken - at the garden of Mr. Alderman Hisnert. G,
Spd Edwards det. Pub by TCurts Slee Crefeent Nov 1 1802 Bbanfomcudp
E598" J 3 Ix1a ROcHENSIS (z.) PLarp Ixra.
Speedie esebab iba bik set dete
Clafs and Order.
Generic Datos ae Ne 549« 2 i ee be a Pee ‘
Specific Charaéter and Synonyms. ses
IXIA Rochenfis; caule foliifque nudis, fpatha fubventricofo-— ovali faucem cum tubo equante, laciniis lanceolatis foveola melliflua bafi infculptis, piftillo corollam fere equante. G.— eer J :
(«) Palmaris, non ramofa, 1—2 flora, foliis fubulatis angufti-
| oribus, limbo radiatim patente. G.— :
IXIA azurea. Herb. Bankf. exemplarium capenfe.
(8) Spithamea, ramofa multiflora, foliis linearibus, floribus fpicato-fecundis, rachidis flexubus arcuatis, corolla — campanulato-patente. E /pecimine ficco. An lacinie
foveolato-infeulpte, neene indeque {pecies diftinfla? Gu
IXIA violacea. Herb. Bankf. exemplarium capenfe. IXIA /fecunda de la Roche, diff.17. Houtt. Linn, Pf. Syft. 11+ p- 40. t. 78. fig. 1. | i
Bulbs precifely as in Ix1a fecunda, Leaves firm, ftreaked, fheathing at the bafe. Flowers upright. Spathe large, ftriated, -convolute-oval. Anthers fmall, fagittate-ovate: filaments ere&t, upwards flightly patent. _Piftil nearly equal to the limb: ftigmas recurved over the anthers. Variety (@) we have only — ‘Seen in a dried ftate, by which we could not afcertain whether _ it poffeffed the fmall ne€tareous excavation at the bafe of each fegment fo remarkable in (a), and confequently are uncertain whether it ought to be confidered as y ora
diftinet fpecies. Flowersin May.
‘a mere yaricty ora
Our drawing of this very rare and beautiful little plant was taken from a {pecimen kindly communicated by R. SALISBURY,
-Efq. by whom the bulbs were received from the Cape. —
We have given a trivial name in remembrance of Dr. Daniet ve ta Rocne, author of a {mall tra, entitled, “ Specimen inaugurale fiflens defcriptiones Plautarum aliquot “* novarum, Lugd. Bat. 1766,” confined to this natural order, of which he has defcribed many Cape fpecies with great mi- nutenefs, chiefly from the herbariums of the Dutch, and has added five good plates of fuch as he faw flower in the gardens of Holland, GG. ee See |
nd Ledward: det. L0urtis S¢ Cee: Crofeent Nov t.1d00 F Sonlin wide
__ Flowers in June. Scentle(s,
Pee Fe ee Ixia Crispa. Curctep-Leavep Ixia. _ ‘ ‘ &
TSE a aie a THM ee Clafs and Order.
Trranpria Monocyrnia. Generic Charafler.—Vid. Nim BAG.
Specific Charafer and Synonyms.
“IXIA crifpa; foliis undulato-crifpis, floribus remotis, an- theris breviffimis fubdidymis extrorfum deflexis, flig- matibus tubum ufque difcretis reflexo-patentibus an-_ theris fubje&tis. G. wey ae
IXIA crifpa. Thunb. Diff. n. 8. t. 2. FT. 3. prod. 9. Linn,
: Suppl. 91. Hort, Kew. add. Willd. Sp. Pl.1.199.
IXIA undulata, Burm. prod. cap.1. Salifb. prod. Hort. B70 0G: PES es Tag
Bulb fomewhat oblong, attenuated upwards, covered witha foft reticulated fibrous tunic. Leaves fix, linear, elegantly waved, twice fhorter than the ftem. Spathe membranous, fubpellucid, about the length of the tube, which is very flender _ and feveral times fhorter than the fegments, of the corolla, outer valve three-toothed, inner two-toothed. Flowers 3—4 _ fegments obovate, blunt, patent. Said by Tuunperc te
vary with white and blue flowers. The anthers are very flightly attached to the apex of the filaments by their bafes.
G at the Cape, on the Roode Sand Hills, eg
Introduced into Kew Gardens, 1787, by Mr. Masson.
Srd Edwends del. Pub be D Curbs I Cao: "releené Nov 1 19? F. Sanlom seulp. ;
with feveral upright branches all fpike-bearing. Spikes loofe,
| fides, ‘when fally ex anded
“2481200 2}. 2° WATSONIA IriprroLia, var. Bs FuLcEens. SCARLET FLac-Leaven WATSONIA.
ERE Hidedeeeiebies: eb
Clas amd Orders:
TRIANDRIA Monocrnsa, Generic Charabter.—Vid Ne 537 & 5 53 ae .
Specific Charaéfer tae. — . | WATSONIA aridifalia ; corolla refrata : tubo ereéo fpatham :
fuperante laciniis equali: Jaciniis. obliquatim " patentiffimis obfolete bilabiatis ovali-oblongis fubacutis fauci xc ualibus. _ G. (a) cinerea ; follis cinereo-virentibus ; Corolle obfolete & trifte -_inearnata. G. ; GLADIOLUS ividifolius. ‘Facq. ic, rar. 2. h a44. (exclufa : Varietate Jpeciofa floribus rofeis tabule 235, _ que {fpecies certe difpar, nempe WaTsonia — - rofea, Herb. Bankf.) coll. 4. 151. Wald. Po | a Lae 235. depulfo Grapioul begs A [= nonymo. — ‘ me | { (6) fulgens ; foliis faturato-yirentibus lucidulis, corolla Riipenter a coccinea. G. ANTHOLYZA fulgens. Bot. Rep. tab. 192. GLADIOLUS marginatus (y) floribus angie T; bunb. Di i
4 Sit ues % 3 “it _
Bulb compreffed, generally sede. Radical fetes 4—7) enfiform, attenuated at each-end, fmooth, fhining, lightly edged, equitant at the bafe, midrib prominent, cauline ones _ conduplicate, gradually fhorter. Stem 2—3 times longer than the leaves, fubligneous, firi€, round, from 3 to 6 feet high,
primary one 10—20 flo
‘red, flowers fpringing from oppofite | sae to the fame fronts colour
EE IEE eis
Bet Sete ote
bright fearlet; {cent none. oSpathés green -below, {phacelate} and red upwards, fhorter than the tube, which is about the Iength of the faux andithat again of the limb; fegments ob-)- liquely patent or fubbilabiate (upper fegment not Rretched > horizontally forward as ‘in’ Watsonta- meriana, No: 418) nearly equal, oval-oblong, narrowed at their bafes, fubacute, | alternate ones, rather.more. fo. .Parts.. of. fruétification pro- minent, nearly equal to the corolla, equal among themfelves. _ Anthers dark violet. The talleft of the genus yet known to) us. Blows freely towards the end of Sammer, with a fucceffion | of bloom for a month or longer. Seeds and produces offsets . ‘in abundance. Requires a largifh and very deep pot, light earth, and plenty of water after it has fhewn the flowering | fem. - eee ee = oe | A native of the Cape, and now common in moft of the | nurferies about town; as well as the variety (a) which, how-— ever, is a much Jefs deftrable plant, on account of the dullnefs of its colour. Var. («) is known among the nurferymen by the name of ANTHOLYZA cinerea, as (B) is by that of Av- ‘tuHoryza fulgens ; they agree with each other in every thing bat in the colours of corolla and leaf. Jacgurn, in bh Icones plant, rar. has united as varieties two very diftin@ fpe- cies, viz. the var. (a) of the prefent fpecies, figured in his 934th plate, and the Warson1a rofea, Herb. Bankf. (Tre: —BeERG's var. (0) of GLADIOLUS marginatus) in his e35th plat Of the laft we have never been able to procure a living fp cimen, nor have we traced it to any Englifh colle@ion : yet. Our drawing‘was taken at the Nurfery of Meffrs, Gaus
woop and Wykes, Kenfington.” Go>
[ 601 J. Wartsonia Brevirotia. SHORT-LEAVED : WATSONIA. JHEP HE HbHHBHHpibe Clafs and Order.
Trianpria Monoeynia. Generic Charader.—Vid. Ne 537 & 553 Specific Charaéter and Synonyms. |
WATSONIA Zbrevifolia; foliis humilioribus oblongiufculis lu- cidis, tubo fauce limboque longitudine paribus, laciniis regulari-patentibus: intimis latioribus, ftaminibus refupinato-declinatis. G.
GLADIOLUS caryopbyllens. Houtt. Linn, Pfl. Syft.11. 77
196. Jc Be : GLADIOLUS marginatus, var. 8. Thunb. Diff. n. 20 ? ANTHOLYZA /picata. Bot. Rep. tab. 56. ejus Recenf. 24. app. Ale . age
Bulb as ufual in the genus. Leaves 4, oblong, enfiform, _
diftich, very fhort, fmooth and fhining, mucronate, with wile 2
form cartilaginous: edging. Stem ftraight, branched, from 6 inches to a foot high. Spathe green, broad, upright, con- duplicate, ftem-embracing, at the end truncately fubacute, {phacelate, and coloured. Corolla recurved, regular, patent: faux narrow-turbinate. Segments nearly obovate, fhortly pointed, inner ones almoft twice the broadeft, flat, outer la- terally fubrevolute. Parts of fru€tification declined, affur- gent. Segments of the ftigmas fhort revolute, extending rather beyond the anthers. Corolla micaceous, glittering very much in the fun, its colour not to be reprefented by art. — Flowers about May. Scentlels. bs 2
Imported from the Cape of Good Hope by Meffrs. Lee and Kennepy, Nurferymen, at Hammerfmith. Is ftillarare . plant, but propagates with the ufual facility of the genus.
We have never yet feen an indigenous f{pecimen in any.
‘Herbarium, ; G. Ree
+. =e
Emards dat. bieb. by ECurtis S* Goa -Chofcent Vow
er er FS anki
TE: See
eT be el Giaprorus Ancusrus. Nargow-Leaved ea de cee ee, PORE NS oe
ein ieiebbk sak dee : Clafs and Orders, TRIANDAIA Monocrynia. Generic Charaéter.—Vid. Ne 538 & 562.
Specific Charafer and § ‘ynonyins.
GLADIOLUS anguffus ; foliis gramineis anguftis linearibus : unicoftatis, floribus fecundis ereétis: tubo fpa- — : tha limbo longiore : laciniis fupremis latioribus Se Janceolato-ovalibus. G. GLADIOLUS anguflus. Sp. Pl. 53. Mill. ic. 142. f. 2. Roy. lugb.. 19. Hort. Clif. 20. tab. 6. Burm. prod. 2. Herb. Gronov. Syft. Veg. Murr. 86. Hort. Kew. 1.65. Facq. coll. 4. 154. ic. rar. 2. Gmel. Syft. Nat. 111. Willd. Sp. Pls. : 218. exclufo Thunbergii fynonymo. GLADIOLUS iriftis, var. p. cordatus. Corollis albo-incarnatis macula cordata foliis planioribus. Thund. Diff. 13. a Ei : A GLADIOLUS africanus, folio gramineo, floribus carngis maculam rhomboideam purpuream infcriptis uno verfu pofitis, Boer’, Ind. alt. 2. 127. u. 5.
Leaves narrow, upright, fhorter than ftem, with a fingle prominent midrib. Stem flexuofe, reclined upwards, from « foot to two feet high. Flowers g3—5, about four inches long, ~
ftraight, narrow, funnel-formed, one-ranked, f{centlefs. Upper
fegments broader, middle one broadeft, lower ones rather
- harrower ; all flat and fomewhat patent. Cultivated by Mit- | _ ‘FER in 1757. A native of the Cape, and feems to have been
~ one of the firft denizens of Europe in this family. Has been confounded with the GLapiotus augufius of Taunserc. Is clofely allied to a fpecies that we have never yet met with,in any colle&tion, though cultivated by Mirrer, viz. the GrA- pious involutus of Dz La Rocug, and figured by Mixer,
tab. 236. fig. 1—probably no longer exifting in this country.
NM O03
& “
+ ~ TONE,
eo €
r -
Pub 39 ZT Cur SB
7, te
| Seles te desks ska abede Clafs and Order.
TETRANDRIA MonocynNIia (Gynanpria. L.)
| Generic Charaéer.
Spatha. Spadix fimplex te@us. Cal.o. Petala4. Bacca difperma. es ee | Specific Chara&er and Synonyms. a POTHOS cannefolia ; foliis ellipticis venofis: venis fimplici- — bus parallelis, Dryander Mf. a POTHOS odorata. Anderfon, ao
_ A native of the Weft-India Iflands, and confequently with us an inhabitant of the ftove, where it is an ornament worthy of culture, its foliage being of a lively green and — its flowers diffufing an agreeable odour, efpecially in the evening, a property very contrary to that of many of the tribe: it has the additional recommendation of taking up but litle room, The fpathe, which is at firft white on the inner fur- face, but changes to green after the flowers decay, adds much to the beauty of the flower. 7 | | ag The excellent fpecific charaftér by Dr. Dryanper, — fhort as it is, fully diftinguifhes it from every known fpecies _ of Pothos: indeed the name itfelf will at all times de- — note the plant, on which account we have adopted it in pre- ference to that of odorata, under which it was fent by Mr, ALEXANDER ANDERSON, fuperintendant of the Botanic Gar-
den at the Ifland of St. Vincent’s, to Mr. Wooprorp, at S
Vauxhall, at whofe colleétion it flowered in great perfeGtion — laft June, when our drawing was taken. cers _ Introduced into the Royal Garden at Kew, by the fame _
oy z
entleman, in the year 1789, and a fpecimen which flowered ie there in the month of April 1790, is preferved in the Bankfian
ba ieee ee a oe ee Seems to thrive beft when plunged into the b: _ parently may be increafed by offsets from the ro
co oa RRR =
7? /F / fe Aig f ty wm Pe PT a f Mas ‘ Fale LOP LES OO GEC VA CCRL Din t 18@2 ag
. . } ees Ay L, CAIY OTH SOUP.
-Jarropa Panpurgrouia, Fiopur-Leaven ae RAY UR-NUR eas Sees shituk ks dcieisishl ahaa a nl es
ode” GB/s cai eane otk sag cat vie ods
Mon zcia MonapeLPHIA.
e% 3
Ss aves Generic Charaster.” ip. Agia “Masc. ‘Cal. (fepius) o. Cor. ‘ipetala infundibuliformis, Stam. 10, alterna’ breviora. ON Si sepe -Si60! Fem. Cal. (fepius) o. Cor. 5-petala patens. Svy/i gv bifid, Capf. 3-locularis. | | Lee
Specific Chara&er and ‘Synonyms. ss
JATROPHA pandurefolia ; foliis fimplicibus” pandureformis bus acuminatis bafi {pinulofo-dentatis, fruétibus cernuis fubrotundis. Pa cee a
JATROPHA imperialis Petropolitana, . Fraferk.. 9
ee ae
Both the male and female flowers are furnifhed with which in the latter is divided to the bafe and perfiftent
male the lacinia are fhorter and divided only half way. In Pe the corolla appears to be pentapetalous, but more decidedly fo ! In the female flower; in the male the calyx adheres fo clofely to the corolla as to refift its feparation and render it difficult to decide whether it be monopetalous or polypetalous. The -flowers grow in an umbellated dichotomous panicle on long terminal peduncles. The pedicle in the centre of the dicho- tomy always bears a female flower, the fide branches all male. he latter are of courfe much the moft numerous. The female flowers are firft expanded and of fhort duration; fo that at firft thefe appear to be all female and afterwards all male, both fexes feldom appearing at the fame time. The fecunda- Hon of the germen muft therefore depend upon its receiving the pollen from other plants, or at leaft from the flowers of different branches, and not from thofe neareft it. Flowers. _ and fruit exift frequently at the fame time, the former ereét,
the latter cernuous. Seed-veffel nearly round, fmooth, three. celled, with one oblong large feed in each cell. Leaves apt to” vary in form, but in general broadeft towards the point; which is acuminate, contracted in the middle, and rounded at the bafe*, where it is befet with a few unequal fubfpinefcent teeth, apt in luxuriant growth to become auriculated proceffes, as in our figure : the margin is refle€ted. The beautiful coloured variegation of the under furface is not conftant, difappearing if the air has not free accefs to it. The whole plant abounds” with a femipellucid milky fluid. : a It is a very ornamental fhrub, flowering through the greatef part of the year, and appears not to be tender, fucceeding beft, according to Mr. Fraser, with very little artificial heat. Is a faft grower, and eafily propagated by laying down the’ branches, . Introduced. by Mr. J. Fraser,: Nurferyman, Sloane-Square, who brought it from the Ifland of Cuba, on his return from his laft voyage to North-America. © Jacquin defcribes two fpecies of Jatropha, which appeat to have confiderable affinity. with this, both with {carlet flowers, his baflata and iniegerrima, the firft of which he faw in the gardens at St. Domingo, but of Eaft-Indian origin, the other in the gardens at the Havannah. i =
* This form of leaf Linnavus has called pandureforme, and the term having been defined, is well underftood by Botanifts, and may therefore be retained, notwithftanding the Pandura of the ancients appears to have been: wind-inftrument, bearing no refemblance to the modern violin,
£% lan/om verde
dee Pub, by Lurks Sher ¢ Feftené Dee 1 1dkGE
Yop or 2 Viele L5 haaras
ArisTeA Capirata. TALLesT ARISTBAs. vio) oa esieaeabelesledest desk aed sealed desea ge _ ~~" Clafs and Order.
dh os Generic Charaéter. a 3}
, Cor. regularis hexapetaloideo-6-partita rotata. “Stam. diver- genta, Stylus declinatus. Stigma fimplex. infundibuliforme hians ore {fubintegro vel trifido, Cap/. oblonga trigone prif- matica angulis compreffis faciebus -concavis. _ Sem, quolibet Joculo plura lateraliter compreffa. ge) aS IS Dann
EL I RAI ABD ea 36 19) es f © . Bezier ald So? de on ee on. be
_Oxs. Radix fibrofa. Folia perennia enfata vel graminea difticho- divergentia plurima, nervo nullo precipuo, (femperne?) bafi equitantia. Caulis centralis annuus fepius ramofus. Flores fafciculati pedicellati,
finguli bragtea fpathacea diftin@ti, fafces fape pedunculati, iidemque —
aut fimplices pauciflori ab involucro fpathaceo herbaceo conduplicatim collecti, aut capitati ({ubinde etiam compofito-capitati) multiflori. in- volucris et involucellis membranaceis fcariofis laxius cin@i. Corolla emarcida in columellam perfiftentem fpiraliter contorta. Stamina ad- - {cendentia vel affurgentia. Semina fepius conta&u truncata. Genus in vivo parcius recognitum hine caracter effentialis vix in toto definite ftabiliendus.. Hue tuto tamenconvocentur ARISTEA cyanea, Soland, et
et Monza pufilla, Tound. Ge. 3 vee Specific. Charaller ond Syn OnYMS. —
ARISTEA capitata; foliis rigidiufeulis -multiftriatulis, caule fubalato-tereti {tri¢to, floribus fafciculato- et
ie 3 ©
Bot. Mag. Morx. fpirglis, Thunb. et Bot, Mag. Mor#a melaleuca —
compofito-capitatis : capitulis multifforis fpicatim _
difpofitis, fpathis integris acutis. G. : MOREA caerulea. Thunb. Dif. u. 15. tab. 2. f. 2. prod. 11, Willa, Sp. Peis G49. hag : GLADIOLUS capitatus. Sp. Pl. Holm. 37. Sp. Pl. §3- Burm.
prod. fi. cap. 2. Murr. Syft. Veg. 86. Gmel. 8. N.
112. Houtt. Linn. Pf. Syff.11. p. 62.
IXIA thyrfiffora caule polyftachio, {picis alternis cauli ap- proximatis : germinibus in fpathis pedunculatis. Dela Roche Diff. p. 26. (Synonymum hattenus Ixia erecta _ male adfcriptuns.) Burm. prod. fl. cap. 1. Houtt. Linn,
| ER. Sy: 34 ie re
A genus founded by Dr. Sotanpsr, in the Hortus Kew- enfis, on the only fpecies then cultivated amongf us, viz. ARISTEA cyanea. oe | [Sd | The prefent fpecies is large and ornamental, with a ftem from two to four feet high, nearly twice the length of the leaves, round, fomewhat winged by the alternate decurrent cauline leaves, upright, fublignefcent. Leaves linear, enfiform, ftiffifh, finely ftriated without any prominent riblike nerve, polifhed, dark green. Spathes and involucres membranous, ~ {eariofe, acute. Segments of the corolla obovate, equal. Produces abundance of feed, of which there are two or three in each cell, and by which it is eafily propagated, as alfo by the offsets or fuckers which it throws up, but not in any great - abundance. Is now pretty common in our gardens. A great number of very fine plants were raifed two years ago at the Botanic Garden at Brompton from Cape feeds. Found by Tuunserc on the hills between Hautemiqua’s- Land and Langekloof, as likewife (but not plentifully) round . Cape Town, flowering in our autumnal months. ace Two {pecies of this genus have already been figured in this work, viz. cyanea and /piralis, the latter under the generic name of Mor#a3 butits fpecies, as well as thofe of Dinarris, “Wacuenporria, and Morza, are far from being’ ‘fo common in. our gardens as thofe of Ix1a, Graptiotus, Wartsonia, Trironia, Sparaxis, and Basiana, though of equally eafy culture, and of at leaft equal if not fuperior beauty ; we have never yet been able to find the leaft traces of Wirsenta, their clofe ally, having been introduced into any European garden, although Cape fpecimens of three or four of its {pecies are not ftrangers to our herbariums. Our figure was the nurfery of Meffrs. Gatmwoop and Wyxgs, Kenfington, with whom it was raifed from Cape feeds received fome years back. Flowers in Auguft. Scentlefs. G,
pa Edwards del. Pub, by L Curb
‘* Peer te a atndami estan ot
at r ; ie J) Gee: Urefeent Dew. 1802 ES anfom seule
f Sot i soBeid I Gaby Yo ert . LAPEYROUSIA Juncea. Cur-Leavep acs LareyRrousia. ey FEC HbSbieiae Cla/s and Order. TRIANDR 1A “Monocynta.
Generic Charadter.—Vid, Ne gop. 0,
Specific Charafer and ‘Sy
LAPEYROUSIA juncea; foliis infetne intus. excifis : exte- rioribus oblongo-ovatis: interioribus acu- minatis, fpatha breviffima, laciniis tubo paruin brevioribus fubirregularibus,’ cap- fula tuberculato-feabra. G. le
GLADIOLUS junceus. Thunb. Diff. 1. 18. Linn. Suppl. 94.
: Syft. Veg. Murr. 86. Gmel. Syft. Nat. 112. : Wild. Sp. Pls FGF? GAN ti)
IXIA excifa var. prior. Linn, Suppl. 92. Willd Sp. Plex.
| | 207. (exclufo Thunbergii fynonimo.) Pars
a oa. Pee ae i ae oy
prior obfervationis huc; fecunda vero ad
Ix1am excifam Bot, Mag. 584 refert. IXIA /picata. Burm. Flor. Capopred se. GLADIOLUS amatilis. Salifb. prod. dork, Bee GLADIOLUS polyfachius. Bot. Rep. 66. ejus Recenf. Ixta
Ons. - Vix hujus generis genuina Species ?- G. =
Bulb ovate, largifh : tunic fibrous, foft. Leaves iffue oblique- ly from the earth, continue nearly horizontal while young, and afterwards become more upright, in number 4—8, half the length of the ftem, fmooth, fometimes flighty undulate, with a deep clear excifion on their inner fide nearly to the midrib and for half their length or farther: inner ones lanceolate-enfiform, stadually narrower, nerves not ‘prominent. Stem from three inches to two feet high; branches 3—4, patent, round li :
ae pes
the ftem, ofien fubdivided with leafy bra@es at their bafes. Flowers 4—g, bypocrateriform, upright. Spathes very fhort, © outer, valve .ovate, blunt, convolute, brownifh livid green; — tube and faux narrow-turbinate, feveral times longer than the fpathe and fomewhat exceeding the limb, the fegments of which — are rather irregularly difpofed and cuneate-{patulate. Anthers above the mouth. of the faux, fubparallel, accumbent, nearly © the length of the ftigmas. Capfule ovate- round, rough with — fmall thickfet gancn ay og een ee ad Seeds like thofe of mutftard.
This was the plant we had in view when, in the article of | Ixra fcillaris, we faid the leaves of that f{pecies refembled | thofe of Ixra excifa. Tuunsere defcribes the flowers. as cefulefcent, Linn zus the younger as violet-coloured, both » which appearances they afflume in a dried ftate, the more eX- panded flowers inclining to violet, the lefs expanded ones to | blue; the latter feems to have ranked fpecimens of the fame | {pecies under two very diftin@ ones, and to have made. this a variety, of Ixia excifa as well as a different fpecies under the name of GLADIOLUS Junceus. a
Found by Tuunserc at the Cape of Good Hope, ia Langekloof. Propagates abundantly both by feed and ae _ continues long in bloom. Scentlefs. _ Flowers. in May, |
now very common. ,
Our drawing was made from a plant in the ie Meffis. Grimwoop, and Wykzs, at Kenfington, who_ have | been long in petefliony of it, having received it by the Hey of | Holland. oa ee
; Pees a
Sd Edwards del = Pub, by 1 Cartes US thor: Craleant Dicey, 1802, = ae et
. 1
Jessa bebe
Clafs and Order:
Trianpria Monocynia. | Generic Charafler.—Vid. Nem. 549, |
Specific Chara&er and Synonyms.
IXIA monadelpha ; {patha brevi, tubo ftritiufculo, laciniis — lanceolato-ovalibus radiatim patentibus, filamento cu- niculato-trigono antheras fere equante. G. 2
IXIA monadelpba. Dela Roche defer. pine. ‘eo: ag. Heath = Linn, PA. Syft. 11. 43- : , as ni IXIA columnaris. Salifb. prod. Hort, 36. Bot. Rep. tab, 203s iy Z BS ts SAG» SOM : Be Fag gee
Bulb flattifh. Stem from eight inches to a foot, fometimes branched. Leaves 3—4 generally {piraily rolled or circinate on their firft emerfion and for fome time afterwards, narrow, grafs-
like. Flowers 5—10, of a firm fubftance, varying in colour __ from blueifh purple to purple, yellow, &c. often variegated, and
generally having a large round ftain at the bafe more or lefs obfolete and of various tints. Stigmas recurved, never above the anthers. Scentlefs, Nearly allied to Ix1a maculata, Sowers ti Aprils ee Our figure was taken at the nurfery of Meffrs. Grimwoop _ and Wyxes, who received the roots from Holland, G
tx i L. Sansom ue
[ 608: J | Wartsonia Marcinata. Lone-Srixep> - | WATSONIAW |
(SHES HPeHaeiee
Cla/s and Order.
Generic Charafter-—Vid. No 537 & 5 5B. LEP, Specific Charafer and Synonyms. a ee
WATSONIA wmarginata ; foliis margine craffa, [pica ex ad- preffis {piculis confluenter continuis elongata, limbo regulari, fauce brevi intus fexdentata, ftaminibus ereétis trifariam fpeftantibus. G, GLADIOLUS marginatus. Thunb. Diff. 20. var. (a). prod. 8. Suppl. 95. Syft. Veg. Murr. 86. Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. 217. (exclufo Antu. caryophyllee fyn.) Mart. Mill. Did. Ue ant nee IXIA marginata, Hort. Kew. 1. 59. Mart. Mill. Did. GLADIOLUS. Herb. Herman. 4. fol. 35. Specimena Linnzo fubfcriptum. ee ns Ces
Bulb compreffed; fubreniform. Leaves lanceolate, fubco- Tiaceous, nerved, far fhorter than the ftem, edged with a very — thick brownifh cartilage. Stem round, ftri&, woody at the bafe, gracilefcent upwards, adpreffedly polyftachious, 3—4 feet high. Spike lengthened by the adpreffedly confluent fpikelets. Flowers numerous, clofe fet, diftichly fabimbricate, diffufing a kernelly fmell fomething refembling that of Het1o0- TROPIUM peruvianum. Spathes green at the bafe, fphacelate
upwards. Corolla falver-fhaped, nodding: tube recurved: : faux twice fhorter than the tube, cyathiform-turbinate, armed with fix lamellous appendicles on the infide alternating with : the ftamens. Segments elliptic: interior ones fomewhat _
-broadeft. Filaments femicolumnar oes anthers fagittate.
_ Yellow, furrounding the flyle (not para ee
Pacnsené enumerates Sur varieties, diflinguifhing them by their colours only; (#) white, (@) pale red, (y) blood. coloured, (3) purple; thefe we deem to be the following diftine {fpecies, viz. (#) our prefent plant, (6) Warsonta ecvifolia, (y) Wartsonta tridifolia, @. (2) Watsonta rofea. He adds, | that he found them at the Cape of Good Hope, on the fummits — of the Table and other high mountains, and on hills below the mountains from Cape Town to Houteniqua’s-Land, grow- ing among the grafs in fuch abundance that whole hills appeared as if covered with a beautiful fearlet carpet.
Introduced into Kew Garden, by Mr. Masson in 1774. A fure blower about July or Auguft, requiring a very deep pot. Propagates rapidly by feeds and offsets, and is now one of the commoneft of its tribe, known among the nurferymen — under the name of Ix1a /ceptrum. Owing to the intimate union of the fpikelets with the main {pike it appears as if it | began to flower at the middle; but, on examination, will be found to begin at the bafe of the primary pike, a as is ufual with its CONGEDERS, - G.
‘ 7 ‘ ‘ : £ Sed. Edward: bt Pub by D Curtis, Seo: Crefeent Dec. 11802, FS anfom scalp
. si 4 : re es ‘
ee ee a ge ee ee Te
[ G09 J | Trironia Mintata. Larte-FLowerInG > OE RPFORYA: Raed aesle- sesso sle-ale ae she ake ‘Cla/s and Order. Trianpdraia MonocynNiA.
Generic Gharafer*,
_ Spatha bivalvis {cariofa. Corolle bafis tubulofa: faux tur- binata: limbus fexpartitus: lacinie unguiculate. Svam. incli-
_ Nata (nunquam ereéta) filamenta curva. Stigm. 3, recurvo-
patentia. Cap/. ovato rotunda. Sem. numerola globofa.
Oxs. Vide Num. 581. Specific Charaéter and Synonyms.
TRITONIA miniata ; caule patenter polyftachio, foliis longe acuminatis, {fpatha tubo equali, limbo regulari deorfum opaco : lacinia nulla gibba, ftaminibus piftillo paribus. G.
IXIA miniata. Facg. Hort. Schoenb. v. 1. p. 10. tab, 24.
Leaves fix, enfiform, faracuminate, nerved, fubfalcate, up-_ right. Stem from a foot toa foot and half high, s—6 branched and even branchletted, elaftic, upright. Spathe {cariofe, blunt, itriated, the length of the tube. Flowers micaceous Scentlefs, — Limb regular, equal, funnel-formed, patent, longer than the faux and tube together. Segments obovate, rounded, not hyaline at their bafes, nor any of them gibbous. Parts of fru€tification declined, affurgent. Piftil equal to the ftamens, twice fhorter than the limb. The moft robuft and tall of its family yet known to us. Flowers in Auguft. The reverfed pofition of the organs of fruétification in this tribe always pre- fuppofes that of the corolla, and is perhaps generally the con-— fequence of the reclined pofition of the rachis, which changes _ the direétion of the flower, in relation to the fun, from that which it would have had if it had remained upright, as this inverfion is generally obferved in thofe that have fuch reclined | or bent rachis, and feldom or ever in thofe that have the fame’ upright; we have feen it take place in fome fpecimens of Giapioxus where the rachis has been reclined, and not in
others of the fame fpecies where this was not fo; but in | Warsonta brevifolia, where the rachis is quite upright this _ Iaverfion does neverthelefs take place. G. — So ee
AGN, 581 lin, 6. pot corelle adde bafis tubulofa,
i‘ 4
Woop and Wyxes, Kenfington, G.
[ 610 J GLapDIOLus FLoripunpus. Larce- FLOWERED Corn-F Lac.
Tee ie eee eee Clafs and Order.
Trianpria Monoeynia. _ Generic Charadler.—Vid. N* 538 & 5624
Specific Charaéter and Synonyms.
GLADIOLUS floribundus folio extimo falcato longiore, flori- bus ereétis: tubo fpatham zquante: limbo turbinato-campanulato: Jaciniis conformibus
parum inequalibus planis fumma majore. G.
GLADIOLUS floribundus. Facq. ic. rar. 2. t. 254. coll. 4. 162. Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. 219. “dg
GLADIOLUS grandifiorus. Bot. Rep. tab. 118. ejus Recenf. Grapiotus floribundus. ‘ : 2
Oes. Hujuset aliarum generis fpecierum corollz lacinie de priftinis - lanceolatis, dum in horto diutius colantur, lineari-oblonge et mucro- nulato-retuf eyadunt lateribus furfum luxuriofe dilatatis apice immu- tato. G, ee seat ae
Bulb ovate, as big as a pigeon’s egg. Leaves enfiform, ftrongly and many nerved, ftiffifh, outer one broadeft, longett, and generally fubfalcate, with a filiform cartilaginous edge nearly the length of the ftem, the reft upright. Stem about a foot high, flexuofe, flower-bearing nearly from its bafe,
whence Jacguin’s name. Flowers 4—6, upright, large.
Spathes about two inches long, equal to the tube which is ftraight. Stamens fcarcely longer than the faux. Anthers dark. Violet. Stigmas fomewhat higher. The fegments vary from dirty white, with a broad livid-purple longitudinal fillet, to bright fleth colour with a broad lively. red fillet. Flowers in
May. Scentlefs. A free blower, very ornamental, and pro-— : wee
Pagates with eafe from both feed and offsets. ss Our drawing was taken at the nurfery of Meffrs. Gar
FPP os
* Sanfom stu Poe?
x hs
ont Dec. fs 1
+ 2,
: vite
Eboard el. Pub by Teurts 8 ee €
% J pel i
Clafs and Order.
GyYNANDRIA Dranpr,la.
Generic Chara&er.
NeGarium,turbinatum obliquum reflexum,
Specific Charafer and Synonyms.
EPIDENDRUM elongatum ; caule ere&o fuperne nudo, fo- liis oblongis acutis, floribus fpicatis, neQae Tio tripartito expanfo ferrato eretto., @ EPIDENDRUM elongatum. . Facq. ic. rar. 3. 1.604. colled.
vol. 3. p. 260, EPIDENDRUM /ecundum. © Herb. Bank/.
As the Eprpenprum /ecundum of Jacquin hasnotyet been _ feen by us, we cannot clear up the difficulties which have hitherto attended this fpecies. We are however inclined to regard the Epip—enpRUM elongatum and fecundum of Jacquin, and the fu/catum of Smiru, as three diftiné fpecies. Our plant is undoubtedly the firft of thefe; differing in no refpeé from Jacquin’s figure, except in the colour of the flower, which with him is more refembling red-lead. The flowers are not fecund, the leaves not emarginate nor of a dark purple red as in fecundum ; and the ferrated ne€tarium feems fufficient to diftinguith it from both the other {pecies. If the EptpenpRuM Jecundum defcribed by Sovran ver be not different from either, we fufpeét that it belongs to this, as does undoubtedly the {pe- cimen fo named in the Bankfian Herbarium. : est
__ Our drawing was taken at E.I. A. Wooprorp’s, Efq. e Vauxhall, in May laft, from which time it continued in flower _ _ during nearly the whole of the Summer. Native of the Weft- _ Indies. Requires the fame treatment as the reft of the
[ 612 | Erica MetruL#rLora. Nune-Pin HEATH. Clafs and Order. ~OcrTANDRIA Monoeynta.
Generic Charaéer.
Cal. 4-phyllus. Cor. 4-fida. Filamenta receptaculo inferta. Anthere bifide. Cap/. 4-loculares. —
Specific Charafer.
ERICA metuleflora; antheris. muticis inclufis, corollis fub- : ventricofo-cylindricis, nudis, foliis quinis decemfariis fubulatis ciliato-{pinulofis, floribus umbellatis termi-
The fpecimen from which our drawing was taken was about two feet high. Branches few, ftri@. Leaves many, thick fet, - quinate, alternating in each whorl with thofe above and be- low, and thus fandiag in ten tolerable even rows when viewed from above downwards; they are fucculent, fubulate, mucro-— nate, fulcate underneath, ciliated at the edges with fhort very ftiff {ubpungent hairs, fhort, very patent, longer in the midddle of the branch than at eitherend, Petioles very fhort, adprefled. Peduncles terminal, umbellate, fubere&t, with two coloured braétes near the calyx and one green below the middle. Ca- lyx ovate-acuminate, hairy, five times fhorter than corolla. Corolla fmooth, minutely ftriated, cylindrical but fomewhat {welling in the middle. Faux gaping. Segments of the limb Toundifh, very entire, patent. Anthers enclofed, bifid, divari- cate: bafe rounded, fpurlefs. Germen turbinate, hairy. Stigma fubglobofe, enclofed. |
It is related to Erica cerinthoides of Linnaus (crinifolia of Sarissury) but differs in many effential points, particular in that the umbels are not nodding, the corolla not hairy nor _ Vifcous, the leaves fhorter, more fucculent, and much more
thortly haired, 7 For this very handfome Erica, which we confider-as entirely
new, we are indebted to Mr. Barr, Nurferyman at Ball’s- — Z Pond, Iflington, by whom we are informed that it wasfirft
Taifed from Cape feeds, by Mr. Rawtinson, of Tooting. _ Flowers in July. Requires the fame treatment as moft part
-Of the genus, ©
[ 613 J | Mor&a Eputis. Lonc-LEAVED MorA&A. JHiddHpeebeb bees
Cla/s and Order. :
Generic Charadler.—Vid. Ne. 593; ubi “ pETALIFORMIBUS” preefigatur “ BILABIATIS.” ad
Specific Charafter and Synonyms. —
MOR ZA edulis ; (imberbis) involucris herbaceis, folio lon- giflimo, corollz laminis fubconformibus : extimis duplo majoribus obovato-oblongis, ftigmatibus aflurgentibus incurvo-convergenubus, _ filamentis deorfum connatiss G, | :
IRIS edulis, Linn, Suppl. 93. Thunb, Diff. ». 38. var. 1. —
i Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. 239+ $2) ?
MOREA vegeta. Jacq. ic. rar. 2. tab, 224? quoad plante majoris fragmen; planta integra enim ob in- volucra f{cariofo-membranacea diftantia Apecies-
-... potius diftin@ta. Synonyma tam Milleri et Linnzt quam Linnai fil. et Thunbergii apud Coll, vol. 4. -p.140 in his fpeciebus citata, utrifque prorlus
aliena etiamque inter fe difcordia ; ifta Milleri et 3 Linnzi ad Moraam ([xipeM) iriflem m. 577 te-
ase: ferenda. G,
MORAA fugax. Facq. Hort. Vindob. tab. 20. p. 14. (exclufis
+) “dela Roche et Van Hazen) Marr. Syf. Veg. 93-
ae IRIS capenfis corollis imberbibus foliis linearibus longiffimis.
: Burm. pr. fl. cap. 2- ie
IRIS longifolia. Sti & Geuns it. rar. t. 20+ Uf. ann.
| bot. f. 6. 105. Bots Rep. to 45+ 4s Recenf. Inrs
edulis. bn
+, Scape round, fheathed by the lower leaf, which is 2—10 times _ Us length, fometimes attaining, according to ScHNEEVOGHT,
othe length of five feet, from its bale to where the above leaf Pens from half an inch to a foot or nore in heig ae
ent se 8
beyond the finus formed by'the leaf always fhort and fo con- tratted that, from the nearnefs of the terminal and cauline involucres, the peduncles or branches form one compound : fafcicle; upper leaf oppofite, fhort. Involucres herbaceous, | ftiff, upwards fphacelate and awnedly gracilefcent. F lowers — delightfully fragrant, varying exceedingly in fize and in colour — from a lilac to a deep blue, open in fucceffion, and laft about _fix hours each. Ungues upright. Filaments nearly the length of the ungues, about as long as the anthers, not connate the whole way. Stigmas about the length of the inner fegments. .Capfule trigonal-columnar, flender, about an inch or more long, different from Mor 2a /riffis, which has an ovate-oblong fhort and very thick capfule with larger feeds. The attending to the form and proportion of the capfules will be peculiarly ufeful in the fpecific diftin&tions of this genus, An old denizen of the Dutch gardens. Found at the Cape of Good Hope by ‘TpuNBERG growing in fandy places in Groenekloof, Sw: land, and very abundantly in the low lands about Cape-Town and the Duyvelfberg, The fpecimen from which our drawing ‘was taken was fent us in Augult laft by Mr. Loppicss, Nurferyman at Hackney, who imported it from the Cape. ~ We have always fufpeéted the two varieties of the {pecies of
‘of this work ; but we did not venture to
of Linn. fil. (In1s plumaria of THUNBERG) always saad
a fynonymto Mor#a vegeta, isa very diftin& {pecies, with ‘larger fegments bearded and the ftigmas fetaceoufly multifi (phe Mora juncea of Mixier has yellow flowers
fubulate leaves. The Morea vegeta of Mixer’s ei edition of his Diétionary, figitred in -his 299th plate, is Morea tridjoides of Linn « usand Tuunse
| ‘quite diftin&