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Twit NPY our CO UNTI RY DANCIS, Aig, RaSh by we RG; as Ce )
Se ae r~ hg: Tae rey — <i) ew wy pre the Year 3B Mii for the a
Oe ade wil, SALMON Cut Zz, Or fe ee
Pr: 18
hi O WwW DO. we Veinted. by the Editors at their Wholesale Music & Music: al Instrument Warehouse 7: 5S! Puls Church Yard.
—— OW CNY he had
ihe Lashionable Count v Dances lieels & Milzes, with Higures, tor thesear /813. Adapted for the Tharp or Tano oe le, Peta i Sas Re. xe BRS Also 0 Poe He ee Nc Wittnher's Selection of Country Dances, Reels & Walizes adapted for the Harp,Piano Forte Violin or German Flute, with I ig es.
Dt Selection ts Printed Quarterly, ove Sheets, & Faged onward lor the convenience of Binding, NOL w 2O.are already Pub lished, ——— Pr nite ey each.
ps Price W/O.
; $ SINGLE FIGURE CAS strain repeated aiplayd straight thro’) $ SINGLE FIGURE (Bach strain repeated) The three Ladies lead round the three Gent: mx the three $ Hands across and back agiainles lead down the Gent: lead round the three Ladies tet whole poussette &swing corners 4 - middle wp again and allemande bx. OR THUS DOUBLE FIGURE (Tune playd twice thro’ with repeats) ey contrary sides hey on your Own sides beat swing round two Cu: Sot & change sides set& back againkd cross over 2 Cu: & sot. ut over one Couple and half figure round the top Couple be - 2
bottomed lead up the mid: cast round the top Cu&turn ret
hands six round and back again kr.
2 Lady Frances Pratt's Fancy.
z ;
[| f rN 3 Ht i a
QQ : wy | oa P| A a a aes TV 22 amas ed a) 2 EL a wy Teed p ANSE
DOUBLE FIGURE (Bach strain repeated) Qd Curry the 2d Cu: do the same best
lemande 4 and turn corners kx.
Hands 8 roand on the Ladies side hands 3 round on the Gents: side rx eross over one Cu: half figure round the bottom Cuz es the Lady
Swing with right hands round the ires round the bottom Ow: & the Gent: round the top hx.
lead down the middle up again al whole figt
OR THUS Swing withright hands round the 24Cu: then with left mo hands six round &hack a1 &set & half rightd&left with the 34 Carrs.
OR THUS again lead thro’the top Cu ‘ii bed & Lead outsides hex
Chain figure 6 round ey lead down the mid: up Sturn pe set &chalf right & left with the bottom C.
Here sai There:
SINGLE FIGURE (Hach strain repeated) The IS! Lady turns the adG@ent: 8tGent: turns the QdLady bx lead down the mid: up again & right & left txt.
(Tune playa straight thro”)
Aset & back again pm lead
Set d& hands across quite roun
down the mid:up again d&right & left with the top Cu: by. z DOUBLE FIGURE (Bach strain repeated ) DOUBLE FIGURE (‘Tune play'd twice thro’ with repeats) ides pea set & change places(with Cast off 2 Ou: d& back agains swing with right hands round the 2 dCu: then with lefted set contrary comers kx & the double tiiangle tx .
liey contrary sides-a hey on your own §
uu Ak ‘;) allemand e 4 hands4 round at bottom &half poussette at top ha.
Tar and Feathers.
Le Leia ae
DOUBLE FIGURE (Hach strain repeated) SINGLE FIGURE (Bach strain repeated) t é \ The 3 Ladies lead round the 3 Gent. ei the 3Gen:: lead round the3 The Ist Lady sets to the 2dGent: & turns the 34 the [8t Gent: sets to / Ladies px lead down the mid: up again allemande-y &lead round bettomd&tcp fey. che ad Lady & turns the 3d. jew lead your partner down the midup again & lead outsides pai. OR THUS OR THUS Whole figure onyour own sides pay eross over one Corde balf fpase Facds 3 round onthe Ladies side & the @d Lady passess under toherplace hands $ round the bottom Cu: pei lead outsides my & the double Lriangl> bmw. S$
on theGents side & the 2 Gentpasses under to his place}pydown themid:&set to the top Cu:kes
Hunting the Slipper.
it $ 2 SINGLE FIGURE (¥ach strain repeated) Cast off @ Cu: & back againtes cross over one Cu: 3
SINGLE FIGURE (Hach strain repeated)
Set & change sides & back againpn lead down the mid: wp again alleraande bes
set contrary corners text and hands six round and back agailrn. & half figure round the bottom Cu: kx .
DOUBLE FIGURE (Tine playd twice thrd with repeats), The Lady tans the8dGent: the [8G ent: turns3Lady bed ©
swing with right hands top&bottomaset3 across deset Sinyour places ex dc the double triangle bx -
POUBLE FIGURE (Tune playd twice thre with repeats) Hley on your own sides eX promenade 3 Cu: et whole poussetts bel whole figure at bottoms Xowing cornerseg set& change places &back with the 34 Curpedset S across de set Sin your p load outsides turn et and. whole figure round the top couple ky. R. TOM mW
: _ Middling thank you. The Funny.
fee eg Nee Ph ei eee ~~ er
f—-“--9 2a? fe ee et =e a tt 2, ot ere
iy Be payee fea eee eed sheds ae ed seen en ee em ot led —t + — Ent ies ¢
ee eee Pe SE. 9", af] Oy Ee eye
e/ Ys ———_ * #1 oe oy le er ee eed J 6-9 —_ °—_|- 9-1 Te eg ee fe grr eee ree hee eS (yr Se oe ee ttt wo PT f | $ rs : aa ft _@ | @ _—@— yO eo} (AS 7 A rrr gee orca al erg es Dee e& a foresee thee eee ea 2 1 fag eta fa po Pe ee te 2 a a ip > @ y @ SINGLE FIGURE (Tune play’d straight thro?) SINGLE FIGURE (Tune play’d straight thro’)
Chain figure 6 round-yleaddown the midiup again cast round the top Crd turn 4 Chain figure Ground 4 lead down the mid:up agaia &right & left at top H -
DOUBLE FIGURE (Bach strain repeated ) DOUBLE FIGURE (Each strain repeated ) Set & half right& left set & back againkd whole poussette bra The3 Ladies lead round the 3 Gent: the 3 Gent: lead round the 3 Ladiesies ¥ cross over 1 Cu: half figure at bottom & the double triangle pes .
lead round bottom and top p44 and turn corners ko .
Button and Whitaker’s Dances 1833
SINGLE FIGURE = (Tune playa straight thro”)
Swing with right hands round the 2dCutiien with left the Lady whole figures round the top Cu; & the Gent: round the bottom Ky & set Contrary corners jam .
SINGLE FIGURE (Hach strain repeated )
Set and change sides set and back againjes lead down the middle mp again and right and left at top ex.
DOUBLE FIGURE — (Bach strain repeated) > DOUBLE FIGURE (Tune playd twice thro’ with repeats) ! Ladies lead round the 3 Gent: sty the 3 Gent: lead round the SLadies tt whole 2
The 3 Ladies&3Gent: set & lead thro’ set & back againiey load Poteellemd set contrary cornersied hands 6 roundd&back againhyd&the double triangle bee. : down the middie up again’set to the top Outre swing cor § msi
and set 3 across and set 3 in-your vlacesiey .
The ‘Bubbl
| Old Englands H
eroes. Ae | ie
SINGLE FIGURE © (Bach strain repeated) Swing with right hands round 2 Cuzted cross over (ij) Cu; half figure round the top Cu:’& turn te.
SINGLE FIGURE (Tone playd straight thro’) Set & hands across set and back again lead down
the middle up again and set to the top couple my. DOUBLE FIGURE (Tre playd twice thre’ with repeals)
‘Est Gent turns the 34Lady (tLady turns the 34 Gent: kf chace round one Cunicback again ee set dc change places with the 2d Gu: & whole figure contrary comers fx .
DOUBLE FIGURE (Hach strain repeated ) Hey contrary sides hey on your own sides bt lead down the mid: up again allemande py & set 3 across & set 3 in your places kn.
Marmont’ Retreat. ,
1) HIGURE (ine playd twice thré with repeats) +) Wuile rounddzback againtelead down the mid: up | he (legs the double triangles & turn corners rx «
The Dowdy. i 3 ee De
se ee ae ae Male Ue 2a! Pag pn Le! SM | 9 P|
DOUBLH FIGURE (Hach strain repeated)
The 3 Ladies lead round the 3 Gent44 the 3 Gent; lead round the 3 Ladiestn whole poussette Hy swing corners txt the double triangle4 whole
figure at bottom x set 3 across & set Sin your places phy & tun corners bet
am ie got A ae = Peeler ee
SINGLE FIGURE (Tone playd atraight thro’) SINGLE FIGURE (Bach strain repeated )
Whole figure at top lead down the mid: 4p again & half poussatie pe. {SULady turns the algo: It Gert: turns the 24 Lady tx cross calf fizwre round the bottom Cu: and turn ba.
DOUBLE FIGURE = (Bach strain repeated) DOUBLE FIGURE (Tone plav'd twice thro’ with repeats)
Cast. off % Cu: & back agajary chain figare 6 roundies lead down the midsup again allemaordepy 4 whol+ fgare ‘contrary cor ex.
Set and change places( with the ad Cuz) and hack ageta ied whole posse (py the donble triangle mx and hands 6 read and back agains.
$ < $ over ove Cu and }
SINGLE FIGURE | (Tane play’d straight thro”)
Sot and change sides and back again lead down the middle wp again and right and left at top -Y.
SINGLE FIGURE (Bach strain repeated) Hounds across & back agains lead down the mids tp. guuln lead theo’the cop Curex & tum corners tr -
DOUBLE FIGURE (Bach strain repeated) Hey contrary sides Hy hey on your own sides pei cross over 2 Cu: tothe . bottompeeross up one Ou: & half fignre round the top Curie.
YOUBLE SIGURE (Tune playd iwice thro’ with repeats) Slay 6 voundtpromenade 3 Cu: meq whcle figure on your own sides ed Flin WS Gent:set &lead thrd &back again whole poussettera &leadout' hx. Button and Whitaker’s Dances 1813
Thistle Down.
(& ach strain repeated) Set and hands across set and back again lead down thy
middle up again and right and left at top ra.
SINGLE FIGURE DOUBLE FIGURE (Tue playa twice thrd with repo
Set & half right & left set & back again ies whole poussetto iy set contrary corners ta & whole figure. contrary corners tex .
d Whitaker’s Dances 18]
(Tune play straight thro’) (Bach strain repeated)
The 3 Ladies lead round the $Gent:-the 3 Gent:lead round the 3
SINGLE FIGURE Set and half right and left and back again lead down the
middle up again and set to the top couple ky.
Ladies jx set & change places with the 24. Cu: & swing corners pes «
« *
sn and Whit